Die Hard - Conjure the Legions
n, 2012, Agonia PL
Dirges - Altares De Sacrificio
n, 2011, Chalice of Blood Angel, FRA
Disastrous Murmur - Dismemberment
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Santo Subito
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Skinning Beginning 1989-1991
n, 2018, Floga GRE
Disciples of the Void - Disciples of the Void
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN
Disforterror - Impalement And Holocaust Stench
n, 2008, Nuclear War Now USA
Dismember - The Complete Demos 1988 - 1990
ss, 2005, Nuclear Blast (2023) - gray vinyl, proražený hřbet
Dissimulation - Maras
n, 2002, Ledo Takas LIT
Dodsferd - A Breed of Parasites
ss, 2013, Funeral Industries D
Doedsvangr - Serpents ov Old
n, 2021, Debemur Morti FRA
Doomentor - Dominus Omner
n, 2016, Goatkult D
n, 2021, Floga GRE
Drakon Ho Megas - Έλευσις Αντίχριστου
n, 2023, Floga GRE
Drugs of Faith
n, 2006, Fast and Furious NL
Dwarrowdelf - Evenstar
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D (2022)
Dwarrowdelf - Of Dying Lights
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Dwell - Vermin and Ashes
n, 2015, Hells Headbangers USA
Dying Embrace - Era of Tribulation
n, 2013, Armee de la mort FRA
Earth Rot - Black Tides of Obscurity
n, 2020, Season of Mist FRA
Ebola - Infernal Revelation
n, 2007, Rex Inferi PL (2009)
Eibon - II
n, 2012, Aesthetic Death UK
Einherjer - Av Oss, For Oss
ss, 2014 Indie Recordings NOR
Einherjer - Norrone Spor
ss, 2018, Indie Recordings NOR
Elderblood - Messiah
n, 2016, Osmose FRA
Eluveitie - Evocation II - Pantheon
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D (black vinyl)
Emanation - Under Magnetic Sleep
n, 2013, Black Mass Records UK
Embalmer - Emanations from the Crypt
n, 2016, Hells Headbangers USA (brown vinyl)
Embrace of Thorns - Atonement Ritual
n, 2009, Nuclear War Now USA
Empty - The House of Funerary Hymns
n, 2009, Ishtadeva SPA
Endezzma - The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder
ss, 2021, Dark Essence NOR
Enepsigos - Wrath of Wraths
n, 2020, Osmose FRA
Enshadowed - Magic Chaos Psychedelia
n, 2013, Aphelion UK
Enshadowed - Messengers of the Darkest Dawn
n, 2002, Diaphora D (2007)
Enth / Amarok - split LP
n, 2012, Boue Records
Enthroned - Armoured Bestial Hell
ss, 2001, Back on Black UK (2021)
Enthroned - Obsidium
ss, 2012, Agonia PL
Enthroned - Prophecies of Pagan Fire
ss, 1995, Back on Black UK (2021)
Entrails - The Tomb Awaits
n, 2011, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Entrapment - Through Realms Unseen
n, 2017, Doomentia CZ
Epitaph - Sinner Waketh
n, 2017, Dark Symphonies USA (CLEAR VINYL)
Epitaph / Dark Abbey - split LP : The Fleshcrawl Tapes + Blasphemy
n, 1990-1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2017) clear vinyl
Epitaph / Dark Abbey - split LP : The Fleshcrawl Tapes + Blasphemy
n, 1990-1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2017) marble vinyl
Equinox - Journey into Oblivion
n, 2003, Vic Records NL (2024)
Equinox - Return to Mystery
n, 1996, Vic Records NL (2024)
Erazor - Erazor
n, 2010, Evil Spell, D
Ereb Altor - Vargtimman
n, 2022, Hammerheart NL
Ereshkigal - The Raping of the Divine
n, 2005, Temple of Darkness SPA