Wholesale prices for distrubutors are possible on request. Trades are welcome.

 MN-056 DLP Titanic - Jihlava 1987

wolfram malyMN-055 LP Wolfram - Sál času

MN-054 Železná neděle - Fernet

crionicJPGMN-053 LP Crionic - Different

scabbar90MN-052 LP Scabbard - Beginning of Extinction

 Root Black seal cover 2022MN-051 2LP Root - Black Seal

 MN-50 LP Železná neděle - Náměstí Beeru

mn049 mMN-49 LP Törr - Inkvizitörr

mn048MN-48 LP Titanic - On

 mn047 m MN-047 2LP Krabathor - Rebirth of Brutality (Live in Uherské Hradiště)

 krabathor MN-46 2LP Krabathor - Demonizer: Mortal Memories II

 calibos MN-45 LP Calibos - Calibos

 tarantula MN-44 Tarantula - Mobilis in Mobili

  MN-43 LP Hypnos - The Blackcrow

  MN-42 LP Sax - Moravské nářez (sold out)

MN-41 LP Titanic - Soumrak titánů (sold out)

MN-40 10"EP Void Moon - Ars Moriendi

  MN-39 LP Hypnos - The Whitecrow (sold out)

  MN - 38 LP Antigod - Wareligion


 MN - 37 LP Törr - Gang Live 1989 (sold out)


   MN - 36 LP Törr - Witchhammer (sold out)

  MN - 35 LP Big Boss - Belial´s Wind

  MN-34 LP Krabathor - Orthodox (sold out)

  MN-33 LP Isacaarum  - Whorecraft (sold out)

    MN-32 7" Void Moon - Where the Sleeper Lies Awake

   MN-31 LP Krabathor - Only Our Death Is Welcome (sold out)

   MN-30 LP Debustrol - Vyhlazení (sold out)

   MN-29 LP Root - Kärgeräs (sold out)

   MN-28 LP Krabathor - Lies (sold out)

    MN-27 LP Krabathor - Cool Mortification (sold out)

   MN-26 7" Cales / Sorts - split single A Tribute to Bathory

 MN-25 LP Hypnos - The Revenge Ride (sold out)

   MN-24 LP Hypnos - In Blood We Trust (sold out)

   MN-23 LP Tortharry - Beneath

   MN-22 LP Root - The Book (sold out)

   MN-21 LP Paganfire - Invoke False Metal´s Death

 MN-20 LP Constellation of Death (Death Metal Sampler)

 MN-19 LP Masacre - Total Death (sold out)

 MN-18 LP Debustrol - Vyznání smrti (sold out)

 MN-17 LP Root - Daemon Viam Invenient (sold out)

 MN-16 2LP Törr - Witchhammer (sold out)

 MN-15, LP Törr - Törritorium (sold out)

 MN-14, LP Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy - Relic Dances

 MN-12, 2LP Root - Capturing Sweden (sold out)

MN-11, LP Törr - Made in Hell (sold out)

MN-09, LP Root - Madness Of The Graves (sold out)

MN-08, LP Lunatic Gods - Mythus

 MN-07, 7" Crossbow - Priestkiller (sold out)

 MN-06 7" Pagan Rites - Dancing Souls (sold out)

 MN-05, 7" Puls - Strhaná tvář (sold out)

  MN-04, 2LP Root - Black Seal (sold out)

  MN-02, 7" Sabbat - Svart Eld (sold out)