Hellias - Revenge of Hellias
n, 2008, Nuclear War Now USA
Hellhound - Tokyo Flying V Massacre
n, 2006, Diabolic Might D (2016)
Hellhound - Metal Fire From Hell
n, 2008, Diabolic Might D (2017)
Hellbringer - Dominion of Darkness
ss, 2012, High Roller D (2024)
Hellbringer - Awakened from the Abyss
ss, 2016, High Roller D (2024)
Hell's Domain - Hell's Domain
n, 2013, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Heir Apparent - The View from Beyond
n, 2018, No Remorse GRE
Heir Apparent - Foundations
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Heathen - Empire of the Blind
ss, 2020, Nuclear Blast D
Headless - Melt the Ice Away
ss, 2016, Mighty Music DK
Headbanger - First to Fight
n, 2017, Diabolic Might D
Haunt - Flashback
ss, 2020, High Roller D - gold vinyl
Hatespawn - Abyssic Conquerors
n, 2013, Sepulchral Voice D
Hate Forest - The Most Ancient Ones
n, 2002, Osmose FRA (2021) silver vinyl
Hardline - Leaving the End Open
n, 2009, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Hardline - II
n, 2002, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Hardcore Superstar - One More Minute
n, 2013, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (shape disc)
Hanker - Web of Faith
ss, 2005, Hellion D (bezbarvý vinyl)
Hanker - Web of Faith
ss, 2005, Hellion D (modrý vinyl)
Hands of Orlac - Hands of Orlac
n, 2011, Horror Records DK
Hallows Eve - The Neverending Sleep
n, 2008, Floga GRE (2016)
Hallows Eve - Evil Never Dies
n, 2005, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2019)
Hail Spirit Noir - Mannequins
n, 2021, Agonia PL (color in color)
H2SO4 - Reality Show
n, 1994, Walkiria SPA
Guillotine - Blood Money
n, 2008, Diabolic Might D (2021)
Grotesque Hysterectomy - Reek
n, 2008, Danza Ipnotica ITA
Grip Inc. - Nemesis
ss, 1997, Seveninch records GRE (2023)
Grimner - Blodshymner
ss, 2014, Despotz SWE (2018)
Graveyard - One With the Dead
n, 2009, Antichristian Front SPA (2011)
Graveyard - Into the Mausoleum
n, 2008, Antichristian Front SPA
Grave Digger - War Games
ss, 1986, High Roller D (2023)
Grave Digger - Tunes of Wacken
ss, 2002, Black Beard, ITA (2022)
Grave Digger - The Forgotten Years
n, 1991-1992, VIC Records NL (2023)
Grave Digger - Symbol of Eternity
ss, 2022, ROAR, GRE
Grave Digger - Heart of Darkness
ss, 1995, Black Beard ITA (2022)
Grave Digger - Ballads of a Hangman
ss, 2009, Black Beard, ITA (2022)
Grave - You ll Never See
n, 1992, Cosmic Key Creations NL (2022) - marbled vinyl
Grave - Hating Life
n, 1996, Metal Age SK (2021) bone vinyl
Golem - Eternity: The Weeping Horizons / The 2nd Moon
n, 2014, FDA Rekotz D
God Dethroned - Ravenous
n, 2001, Cosmic Key NL (2023)
Goatpenis - Decapitation Philosophy
n, 2020, Nuclear War Now USA
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, In league with satan, SK (black vinyl)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, Hexencave SK (grey vinyl)
Germ Bomb - Sound of Horns
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ
Genöcide - Down to Kill
n, 2010, Horror Records DK (black vinyl)
Generichrist - Insomniac Death Parade
ss, 2020, Metal Bastards SPA
Game Over - Crimes Against Reality
ss, 2016, Scarlet Records ITA
Fusion Bomb - Concrete Jungle
n, 2019, Iron Shield D
Funest - Desecrating Obscurity
n, 2016, Morbid Generation D
Full Assault - Dying World
n, 2024, Iron Shield D
Frenzy - Blind Justice
n, 2018, Underground Power D
Fragments of Unbecoming - Perdition Portal
ss, 2018, Apostasy D
Foscor / Necrosadist - split EP - Onslaught of Black Putrefactio
n, 2010, Necroterror Records CYP
Fortress - Dont Spare the Wicked
ss, 2021, High Roller D
Forgotten Silence - Vemork Konstrukt
n, 2023, Magick Disk CZ
Foreseen - Grave Danger
ss, 2017, Svart Records
Force of Darkness - Darkness Revelation
n, 2010, Hells Headbangers USA (2014) - black vinyl
Force of Darkness - Darkness Revelation
n, 2010, Hells Headbangers USA (2014) - splatter vinyl
Folk Stone - Folk Stone
n, 2008, Jolly Roger ITA
Flotsam and Jetsam - Dreams of Death
ss, 2005, Back on Black UK (2022) - clear vinyl