Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Jiná
ss, 2024, Osamělí CZ (LP+7")
Rattenfänger - Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum
n, 2012, Osmose FRA (2024) RED
Savage Aggression - Infernal Nightmare
n, 2017, Diabolic Might Records
Blut aus Nord - 777 Sect(s)
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022)
Anarkhon - Obiasot Dwybat Ptnotun
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA
Blut aus Nord - Disharmonium - Nahab
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA
Blut aus Nord - 777 The Desanctification
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022) blue vinyl
Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
n, 2019, Debemur Morti FRA (2022) purple swirl
Can Bardd - The Last Rain
ss, 2019, Northern Silence D (2023)
Can Bardd - Nature Stays Silent
ss, 2018, Northern Silence D (2023)
Can Bardd - Devoured by the Oak
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Faidra - Six Voices Inside
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D
Marduk - World Funeral
n, 2003, Osmose FRA (2021)
Death - The Sound of Perseverance
n, 1998, Relapse UK (2020)
Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific
ss, 2023, Metal Blade D
Lychgate - The Contagion in Nine Steps
ss, 2018, Blood Music FIN
Graveland - Wotan Mit Mir
n, 2008, Drakkar FRA (2023)
Minenwerfer - Volkslieder
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2021)
Ghost - Bad Obsession
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2023)
Christ Agony - Daemoonseth - Act II
n, 1994, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Christ Agony - Unholyunion
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Unleashed - No Sign of Life
ss, 2021, Napalm AT
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
n, 2019, Osmose FRA (2021)
The Mist from the Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
Valravn - The Awakening
n, 2023, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azazel - Aegrum Satanas Tecum
n, 2021, Primitive Reaction FIN
Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying, The Dead
ss, 2022, Universal Music
Valravn - Prey
n, 2020, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azrael Rising - Raas I Salman Paradiz Haux Haux Haux
n, 2017, Primitive Reaction FIN
Disciples of the Void - Disciples of the Void
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN