Centurian - Of Purest Fire
1997, Hells Headbanger USA (2014) - colored vinyl
Centurian - Choronzonic Chaos Gods
1999, Hells Headbangers USA (2014)
Centinex - The Pestilence
n, 2022, Agonia PL
Cemetery Lust - Screams of the Violated
n, 2012, Hells Headbangers USA (2015)
Caustic - Malicious / Caustic
n, 1993, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - black vinyl
Caustic - Malicious / Caustic
n, 1993, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - clear vinyl
Cauldron Black Ram - Slubberdegullion
n, 2010, Blood Harvest SWE
Cauchemar - La Vierge Noire
n, 2010, Nuclear War Now USA (pic LP)
Cataleptic - The Tragedy
n, 2021, FDA Records D
Castle - Castle
n, 1994, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) red vinyl
Caskets Open - But You Rule
n, 2010, Streak Records
Casket - Undead Soil
n, 2013, Joe Black Records D
Carnal Ruin - Gnosis of Immortal Domain
n, 2020, Floga GRE
Carnal Diafragma - The Garden of Earthly Delights
n, 2024, Rarach Katus CZ
Carnal Diafragma - The Garden of Earthly Delights
n, 2024, Rarach Katus CZ