Not Fragile / Z-Iron - Masters of Metal
ss, 2004, Hellion D, Růžový vinyl
Not Fragile / Z-Iron - Masters of Metal
ss, 2004, Hellion DŠedý vinyl
Death Mechanism - Mass Slavery
n, 2010, Jolly Roger ITA
Eliminator - We Rule the Night
n, 2011, Heavy Forces D
Taunted - Bleeding Black
n, 2009, Iron Shield D
Caldera - Mithra
n, 2011, Avantgarde Music
Steel Prophet - Eyes Of The Prophet - Vision Past
n, 2004, Hellion D
Folk Stone - Folk Stone
n, 2008, Jolly Roger ITA
Acid Speech / Pesticide - split LP
n, 2009, Floga GRE
Rosae Crucis - Fede Potere Vendetta
n, 2009, Jolly Roger ITA
Rosae Crucis - Il Re Del Mondo
n, 2008, Jolly Roger ITA
Demon Flight - Flight of the Deamon
ss, 1982, Molten Metal UK (2008)
Breakdown - Time to Kill
n, 2007 Metal Inquisition D (2009)
Nightmare - About to Explode
n, 2010, Heavy Forces D
Axe Battler - The Wrath of My Steel
n, 2010, Heavy Forces D
Man in Pain - Warrior
n, 2013, Metal Command ARG
Antipeewee - Human Grill Party
n, 2014, G.U.C. Records, D
Bulldoziing Bastard - Bulldozing the Vatican
n, 2013, Heavy Forces D
Antigod - Wareligion
ss, 2016, Monster Nation (a další) CZ
Upset Noise - Ribellione controllata - Lost Demotape 1984
n, 2012, F.O.A.D. ITA
Bison B.C. - Lovelessness
n, 2012, War on Music CAN
Timeless Hall - Timeless Hall
n, 1994, Steel Legacy GRE (2011)
Thrustor - Night of Fire
n, 1999, Emanes FRA (2009)
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (BLACK VINYL)
Hooded Priest - Devil Worship Reckoning
n, 2011, Emanes FRA
Legions - Thrash Treasures
n, ????, Lost Metal Records (2013)
Void Moon - Ars Moriendi
n, 2018, Monster Nation CZ
Quicksand Dream - Beheading Tyrants
n, 2016, Cruz del sur music ITA
Lethal Steel - Running from the Dawn
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Hellias - Revenge of Hellias
n, 2008, Nuclear War Now USA
Repent - Vortex of Violence
n, 2012, High Roller D
Bludwulf / Tiger Junkies / Children of Technology - 3way split
n, 2011, Agipunk ITA
Messiah - Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Stormhunter - Crime and Punishment
n, 2011, Emanes FRA
Bloodwritten - Thrashin' Fury
ss, 2010, Witching Hour PL
Black Burn - The Invocation
n, 2012, High Roller D
Twisted Tower Dire - The Secret Demos
n, 2002, Stormbringer SWE
Crucified Mortals / FaithXtractor - split LP
n, 2008, Hells Headbangers USA
Crucifier - Cursed Cross
n, 2006, Anger of Metal D
V.A. - Hellbangers: Metal Forces
n, 2008, Iron Pegasus D
Exiled - Blade of Death
n, 2003, Hellion D
Dreams of Damnation - Epic Tales of Vengeance
n, 2007, Femetal D
Darzamat - Solfernus' Path
ss, 2009, Witching Hour PL
Mpire of Evil - Creatures of the Black
n, 2011, Iron Pegasus D
Strikemaster - Vicious Nightmare
n, 2009, Iron Bonehead D (2011)
Slaughter Command - Ride the Tornado
n, 2012, Iron Bonehead D
Germ Bomb - Sound of Horns
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ
Vornth - Vornth
n, 2013, Iron Tyrant ITA
Axecuter - Metal is Invincible
n, 2013, Anger of Metal D
Reactory - High on Radiation
n, 2014, Iron Shield D
Deathstorm - Storming With Menace
n, 2011, I Hate, SWE
Zoldier Noiz - Regression Process
n, 2014, Ripping Storm, ITA
Nightshift - Winter Within
n, 2014, Ripping Storm, ITA
Outrage - 1985 Demo(n)s
n, 1985, Ripping Storm, ITA (2014)
Epidemic - Artificial Peace
n, 1991, Floga GRE (2014)
Cold Steel - The Demo Years
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Space Eater - Aftershock
n, 2010, Metalizer Records D
Circle - Tower
ss, 2007, Full Contact Records
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (SPLATTER VINYL)
Superchrist - Headbanger
n, 2007, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2013)