Security Threat - The Truth is Out
n, 2009, Civilisation Records D
Spellcaster - Under the Spell
m/vg+, 2011, Heavy Artillery USA
Steel Assassin - From the Vaults
n, 1997, High Roller D (2011)
Striker - Eyes of the Night
ss, 2010, War on Music CAN
Superchrist - Headbanger
n, 2007, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2013)
Stormhunter - Crime and Punishment
n, 2011, Emanes FRA
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (SPLATTER VINYL)
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (BLACK VINYL)
Altar of Oblivion - Sinews of Anguish
n, 2010, Shadow Kingdom UK
Armour - Armour
n, 2010, Hells Headbangers USA - colored vinyl
Acid Speech / Pesticide - split LP
n, 2009, Floga GRE
Therion - Les Épaves
n, 2016, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Kreator - Terror Prevails. Live at Rock Hard Festival pt. 2
n, 2012, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA(2016)
Thrustor - Night of Fire
n, 1999, Emanes FRA (2009)
Timeless Hall - Timeless Hall
n, 1994, Steel Legacy GRE (2011)