Thomas Silver - The Gospel According to Thomas
n, 2018, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Dark Quarterer - War Tears
n, 1993, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Vomitory - Redemption
ss, 1999, Metal Blade D (2018)
King Diamond - The Eye
ss, 1990, Metal Blade (2020)
Mercyful Fate - The Beginning
ss, 1987, Metal Blade (2020)
Asphyx - God Cries
ss, 1996, Floga GRE (2020) - orange splatter
Heathen - Empire of the Blind
ss, 2020, Nuclear Blast D
Blind Guardian - Beyond the Red Mirror
ss, 2015, Nuclear Blast D
Capricorn - Capricorn
n, 1993, Jolly Roger ITA (2021)
Capricorn - Inferno
ss, 1995, Jolly Roger ITA (2021)
Pestilence - Exitivm
n, 2021, Agonia PL (clear vinyl)
Aborted - Goremageddon
ss, 2003, Listenable FRA (2022) red vinyl
Blut aus Nord - 777 Sect(s)
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022)
Blut aus Nord - 777 The Desanctification
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022) blue vinyl
D.R.I. - 4 of a Kind
n, 1988, Music on Vinyl (2022) reb/black vinyl