Kraken - Abandoned
ss, 2010. High Roller D (2016)
Bell - Tidecaller
n, 2017, High Roller D
Minotaur - God May Show You Mercy... We Will Not
n, 2009, I Hate SWE
Eluveitie - Evocation II - Pantheon
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D (black vinyl)
Wintersun - Live at Tuska 2013
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D (black vinyl)
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Der Rote Reiter
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D (red vinyl)
Stuka Party - Schmeiser Smasher
n, 2014, Hammerheart NL (10")
Inquisitor - Stigmata Me, I am in Misery
n, 2018, Hammerheart NL
Ramchat - Bes / Karpaty
n, 2016, Hladohlas SK
Nocturn - Estranged Dimensions
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) CLEAR VINYL
Nocturn - Estranged Dimensions
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) BLACK VINYL
Nocturn - Estranged Dimensions
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) PURPLE VINYL
N.M.E. - Unholy Death
n, 1986, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) clear vinyl
N.M.E. - Unholy Death
n, 1986, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) black vinyl
Mysto Dysto - The Rules Have Been Disturbed
n, 1986, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) black vinyl
Mysto Dysto - The Rules Have Been Disturbed
n, 1986, Dark Symphonies USA (2018) blue vinyl
Kreator - Violence Unleashed
n, 2016, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Tygers of Pan Tang - Noises from the Cathouse
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Final Flag - Capture the Flag
n, 2017, Support Underground CZ
Viscera/// - Release Yourself Through Desperate Rituals
n, 2017, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Beautiful Creatures - Deuce
n, 2005, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Lord Bane - Age of Elegance
n, 1994, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Toxic Waltz - From a Distant View
ss, 2016, Violent Creek D
Void Moon - Ars Moriendi
n, 2018, Monster Nation CZ
Fastway - Eat Dog Eat
n, 2011, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
The Night Flight Orchestra - Skyline Whispers
n, 2015, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
W.A.S.P. - Scream
n, 2018, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Verdict Denied - Condamned
n, 2009, Sirens Records GRE
Solitude Aeturnus - In Times of Solitude
ss, 2011, Back on Black UK (2017)
Suicidal Angels - The Early Years (2001-2006)
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Damnatory - The Madness Never Ends
m/m, 1990, Bums Records DK
Sacred Sin - Darkside
n, 1993, Dark Symphonies USA (2019), black vinyl
Mandator - Perfect Progeny + Strangled
n, 1989, Dark Symphonies USA (2019), black vinyl
Degial - Savage Mutiny
n, 2015, Sepulchral Voice D
Thomas Silver - The Gospel According to Thomas
n, 2018, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Warrior Soul - Stiff Middle Finger
n, 2012, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Dark Quarterer - War Tears
n, 1993, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Mandrah - The Other Side
n, 2018, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Headbanger - First to Fight
n, 2017, Diabolic Might D
Disharmonic Orchestra - Raw
n, 2017, Metal Bastard SPA (clear vinyl)
Absu - Hall of the Masters
n, 2012, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Enslaved - The Sleeping Gods + Thorns
ss, 2011, By Norse NOR (2016)
Witch Blade - Oskuldernas Eld
n, 2015, Dying Victims D
Ice War - Manifest Destiny
n, 2018, Dying Victims D
Artizan - Ancestral Energy
n, 2013, Pure Steel D
Commandment - No Mercy
n, 2009, Pure Steel D
Insane - Evil
n, 2017, Duplicate Records NOR
Tyranex - Extermination Has Begun
ss, 2011, Killing Machine SWE (2017)
Turbid North - Eyes Alive
ss, 2015, Apocalyptic Witchcraft
Eyaculator - Bestial Cruelty... Under the Sign of Satan
ss, 2017, Sutsircitna Productions POR
Mortiis - Methuselah
n, 2019, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Lynch Mob - Sun Red Sun
n, 2014, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2019)
Lynch Mob - Rebel
n, 2015, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2019)
Baphomet - Trust
n, 1994, Night of the Vinyl Dead, ITA (2019)
Artillery - The Face of Fear
ss, 2018, Metal Blade D
V.A. - Ancient Meat Revived : A Tribute To Cold Meat Industry
n, 2016, Iron Bonehead D
Ill Omen - Æ.Thy.Rift
n, 2016, Nuclear War Now USA
Flames - Last Prophecy
n, 1989, Floga GRE (2016)
Batushka - Hospodi
ss, 2019, Mystic PL
Sindrome - Resurrection (The Complete Collection)
ss, 2016, Century Media D