Slaughter Command - Ride the Tornado
n, 2012, Iron Bonehead D
Blodsrit - The Well of Light Has Finally Dried
n, 2008, Unexploded Records SWE
Germ Bomb - Sound of Horns
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ
Profanal - Black Chaos
n, 2012, Iron Tyrant ITA
Vornth - Vornth
n, 2013, Iron Tyrant ITA
Axecuter - Metal is Invincible
n, 2013, Anger of Metal D
Houwitser - Death but not Buried
n, 1998, Screaming Victim GER (2015)
Reactory - High on Radiation
n, 2014, Iron Shield D
Mastiphal - Parvzya
ss, 2011, Witching Hour PL
Deathstorm - Storming With Menace
n, 2011, I Hate, SWE
Mayan - Antagonise
ss, 2014, Nuclear Blast D
Avulsed - Altar of Disembowelment
n, 2015, Screaming Victims GRE (10" orange vinyl)
Zoldier Noiz - Regression Process
n, 2014, Ripping Storm, ITA
Nightshift - Winter Within
n, 2014, Ripping Storm, ITA
Outrage - 1985 Demo(n)s
n, 1985, Ripping Storm, ITA (2014)
Agrath - Thy Kingdom Come
n, 2015, Funeral Industries, D
Ramchat - Bes / Karpaty
n, 2016, Hladohlas SK
Epidemic - Artificial Peace
n, 1991, Floga GRE (2014)
Lago - Tyranny
n, 2014, Blood Harvest SWE
Cold Steel - The Demo Years
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Space Eater - Aftershock
n, 2010, Metalizer Records D
Circle - Tower
ss, 2007, Full Contact Records
Typhus - Grand Molesters Of The Holy Trinity
n, 2011, Fog Of The Apocalypse D
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (SPLATTER VINYL)
Superchrist - Headbanger
n, 2007, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2013)
Derogatory - All Above Else
n, 2013. FDA Rec. D
Feretrum - From Far Beyond
n, 1992, Me Saco Un Ojo Records UK (2013)
Hands of Orlac - Hands of Orlac
n, 2011, Horror Records DK
Hatespawn - Abyssic Conquerors
n, 2013, Sepulchral Voice D
Superchrist - South of Hell
n, 2004, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2012)
Superchrist - Defenders of the Filth
n, 2009, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA
Verdict Denied - Condamned
n, 2009, Sirens Records GRE
Commandment - No Mercy
n, 2009, Pure Steel D
Turbid North - Eyes Alive
ss, 2015, Apocalyptic Witchcraft
H2SO4 - Reality Show
n, 1994, Walkiria SPA
Hypnos - The Blackcrow
ss, 2020, Monster Nation CZ
Assassin - The Saga of Nemesis
ss, 1986, High Roller D (2022)
Tarantula - Mobilis in Mobili
n, 1990, Monster Nation CZ (2021)
Calibos - Calibos
n, 1992, Monster Nation CZ (2021)
Fejd - Trolldom
n, 2016, Black Lodge SWE (2018)
Commando - Rites of Damnation
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Bloodletter - Funeral Hymns
ss, 2020, Petrichor NL
Svartelder - Pyres
n, 2016, Dusktone ITA
Night Cobra - Dawn of the Serpent
ss, 2022, High Roller D
Tormentor - End of the World
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2023)
Tormentor - Blitzkrieg demo 84
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2023)
Setherial - Ekpyrosis
ss, 2010, Funeral Industries D (2013)
Altar of Oblivion - Sinews of Anguish
n, 2010, Shadow Kingdom UK
Abyssal - Denouement
n, 2014, Hellthrasher prod.
Final Flag - Capture the Flag
n, 2017, Support Underground CZ
Artizan - Ancestral Energy
n, 2013, Pure Steel D
Chimaira - The Infection
n, 2009, Black Sleeves SPA
Moros Nyx - Revolution Street
n, 2016, Underground Power D
Thunderstick - Something Wicked This Way Comes
n, 2018, High Roller D
White Mantis - Sacrifice Your Future
n, 2020, High Roller D
Funest - Desecrating Obscurity
n, 2016, Morbid Generation D
Lord Fist - Wilderness of Hearts
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Ritual - Valley of the Kings
ss, 1993, High Roller D (2020) yellow
Lychgate - The Contagion in Nine Steps
ss, 2018, Blood Music FIN
Anael - On Wings of Mercury
n, 2005, Iron Tyrant ITA