Chemical Breath - Fatal Exposure
n, 1992, VIC Records NL (2022)
Suffer - Structures
n, 1994, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2023)
Minenwerfer - Kriegserklärung (gold)
n, 2014, Osmose FRA (2023) gold vinyl
Sacred Cruciifx - Realms of the North vol 3 (1994-1995)
n, 1994-1995, Ripping Storm ITA (2022)
Sacred Cruciifx - Realms of the North vol 2 (1990-1993)
n, 1990-1993, Ripping Storm ITA (2022)
Sacred Cruciifx - Realms of the North vol 1 (1987-1989)
n, 1987-1989, Ripping Storm ITA (2022)
Marduk - Those of the Unlight
n, 1993, Osmose FRA (2017)
Minenwerfer - Kriegserklärung
n, 2014, Osmose FRA (2023) black vinyl
Immortal - The Northern Upirs Death
n, 2023, Darkness Shall Rise D (silver vinyl)
Amon (Deicide) - Sacrificial / Feasting the Beast
n, 2023, Darkness Shall Rise D (milky clear vinyl)
Rattenfänger - Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum
n, 2012, Osmose FRA (2024) RED
Blut aus Nord - 777 Sect(s)
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022)
Anarkhon - Obiasot Dwybat Ptnotun
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA
Blut aus Nord - Disharmonium - Nahab
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA
Blut aus Nord - 777 The Desanctification
n, 2011, Debemur Morti FRA (2022) blue vinyl
Blut Aus Nord - Hallucinogen
n, 2019, Debemur Morti FRA (2022) purple swirl
Can Bardd - The Last Rain
ss, 2019, Northern Silence D (2023)
Can Bardd - Nature Stays Silent
ss, 2018, Northern Silence D (2023)
Can Bardd - Devoured by the Oak
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Faidra - Six Voices Inside
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D
Marduk - World Funeral
n, 2003, Osmose FRA (2021)
Death - The Sound of Perseverance
n, 1998, Relapse UK (2020)
Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific
ss, 2023, Metal Blade D
Lychgate - The Contagion in Nine Steps
ss, 2018, Blood Music FIN
Graveland - Wotan Mit Mir
n, 2008, Drakkar FRA (2023)
Minenwerfer - Volkslieder
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2021)
Ghost - Bad Obsession
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2023)
Christ Agony - Daemoonseth - Act II
n, 1994, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Christ Agony - Unholyunion
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Unleashed - No Sign of Life
ss, 2021, Napalm AT
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
n, 2019, Osmose FRA (2021)
The Mist from the Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
Valravn - The Awakening
n, 2023, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azazel - Aegrum Satanas Tecum
n, 2021, Primitive Reaction FIN
Valravn - Prey
n, 2020, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azrael Rising - Raas I Salman Paradiz Haux Haux Haux
n, 2017, Primitive Reaction FIN
Disciples of the Void - Disciples of the Void
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN
Masters Hammer - Live in Zbraslav (yellow vinyl)
n, 1989, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Finished (black vinyl)
n, 1988, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Live in Zbraslav (black vinyl)
n, 1989, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Mefisto - Megalomania / The Puzzle (gold vinyl)
ss, 1986, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Sarcasm - A Touch of the Burning Red Sunset
n, 2023, Darkness Shall Rise D
Necrosanct - Desolate
ss, 1993, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - The Fall of Idol (black vinyl)
n, 1990, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Master - The Witch Hunt (demo recorinds)
ss, 2020, Metal Bastards SPA
Generichrist - Insomniac Death Parade
ss, 2020, Metal Bastards SPA
Defecation - Killing with Kindness
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Santo Subito
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Dismemberment
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Azaghal - Helvetin yhdeksän piiriä
ss, 1999, Back on Black UK (2020)
Cales - Chants of Steel (marbled)
n, 2023, Edged Circle NOR (marbled vinyl)
Cales - Chants of Steel (black)
n, 2023, Edged Circle NOR
Blackthorn - The Rotten Ways of Human Misery
n, 1993, Huangquan CHN (2023)
1349 - The Infernal Pathway
n, 2019, Season of Mist
Nightbringer - Hierophany of the Open Grave
n, 2011, Season of Mist FRA (2019)
Mayhem - Ordo ad Chao
n, 2007, Season of Mist (2018)
Memoriam - For the Fallen
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D - green vinyl
Pikodeath - Killed by Silence
ss, 2023, Rarach Katus CZ
Altarage - Worst Case Scenario
n, 2023, Doomentia CZ
Fleshless - Doomed
ss, 2019, Nice to eat you, CZ
Teratoma - Chaosmakers
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Rebel Souls - Dawn of Depravity
n, 2023, Violence in Veins SPA
Scent of Death - Into Everlasting Hate
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Sonambula - Estasis Interrumpida
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Perpetual - Memento Mori
n, 2022, Base Records SPA
Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Come Back from the Dead - The Coffin Earths Entrails
n, 2015, BlackSeed SPA
Kawir - To Cavirs
n, 1997, Pagan Records PL (2022)
Kawir - Ophiolatreia
n, 2008, Pagan Records PL (2022)
Kawir - Epoptia
n, 1999, Pagan Records PL (2022)
Narrenwind - Mojej bolesnej snie dobra smierc
n, 2018, Pagan Records PL
Kawir - Arai
n, 2005, Pagan Record PL (2022)
Ingested - The Architect of Extinction
n, 2015, Transcending Recs USA (2021)
God Dethroned - Ravenous
n, 2001, Cosmic Key NL (2023)
Narrenwind - Ja, Dago
n, 2019, Pagan Records PL
Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Unleashed - Hells Unleashed (splatter)
n, 2002, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces
n, 1996, Osmose FRA (2023)
Kawir - Nyxtos Teletisin
n, 2022, Pagan Records PL
Kawir - To Uranus
n, 2010, Pagan Records PL (2020)
Törr - Kladivo na čarodějnice
ss, 1993, Warner (2023)
Carpathian Forest - Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods
ss, 1995, Peaceville UK (2013)
Bloodphemy - Blood Sacrifice
ss, 2021, Emanzipation DK
Pathologist - Putrefactive And Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism
n, 1992, Smile CZ (2021)
Krolok - When the Moon Sans our Songs
n, 2014, Osmose FRA (2022)
Krolok - At the End of a New Age
n, 2016, Osmose FRA (2022)
Marduk - Wormwood
n, 2009, Osmose FRA (2022)
Pathologist - Grinding Opus of Forensic Medical Problems
n, 1993, Smile CZ (2021)
Parasitario - Everything Belongs to Death
n, 2022, FDA Records D
Abolish - From the Depth
n, 2023, FDA Records D
Dead Chasm - Sublimis Ignotum Omni
n, 2023, FDA Records D
Slaughterday - Tyrants of Doom
n, 2022, FDA Records D (blue vinyl)
Eroded - Necropath
n, 2018, FDA Records D
Cataleptic - The Tragedy
n, 2021, FDA Records D
Rexul - Erebus...Virtuosus...Alpha...
n, 2022, FDA Records D
Decembre Noir - Forsaken Earth
n, 2016, FDA Records D (2021)
Mythic - Anthology
n, 1998, Floga GRE (2021)
Dark Millennium - Ashore the Celestial Burden
n, 1992, Floga GRE (2022)
Synteleia - The Secret Last Syllable
n, 2022, Floga GRE
Brutality - Exhuming the Noise - The Demos 1987-1991
n, 2022, Floga GRE
God Dethroned - The Toxic Touch
n, 2006, Floga GRE (2019)
Cales - KRF
n, 2010, Werewolf CZ
Melechesh - The Epigenesis
ss, 2010, Back on Black UK (2018)
Zmyrna / Nebran - split LP
n, 2023, Hexencave SVK
Karpathia - Urheimat: volanie havranov
n, 2009, Hexencave SVK (2022)
Forgotten Silence - Vemork Konstrukt
n, 2023, Magick Disk CZ
Root - Black Seal
n, 2001, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Cult of Fire - Kali Fire Puja
n, 2018, Beyond Eyes CZ
Asgard - Demo 1997
n, 1997, Nuclear War Now USA (2020)
Maniac Butcher - The Incapable Carrion
n, 1994, Arges CZ (2023)
Scabbard - Beginning of Extinction
n, 1996, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Pandemia - Personal Demon
n, 2003, Nasphyr CZ (2022)
Amon - Call the Master
n, 1992, Nasphyr CZ (2021)
Stíny plamenů - Jediný poskvrněný přítok
n, 2022, Nasphyr CZ
Inferno - Black Devotion
ss, 2009, Agonia PL
Root - Kargeras: Return from Oblivion (RED VINYL)
n, 2016, Agonia PL - red vinyl
Dark Storm - Infernal Tyrants
n, 2005, Agonia PL
Azarath - Blasphemers Maledictions
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Azarath - Saint Desecration
n, 2020, Agonia PL
Koldborn - First Enslavement
n, 2002, Emanzipation DK (2021) blue vinyl
Tardus Mortem - Engulfed in Pestilent Darkness
ss, 2019, Emanzipation DK (2021)
Scarab - Martyrs of the Storm
ss, 2020, Vici Solum SWE
Asphyx - Necroceros
ss, 2021, Century Media D
Beyond the Gates - Beyond the Gates
n, 2023, Diabolic Mgiht D
Aborted - Engineering the Dead
n, 2001, Perverted Taste D
Aborted - Goremageddon
ss, 2003, Listenable FRA (2022) red vinyl
Aborted - The Archaic Abattoir
ss, 2005, Listenable FRA (2022) red
Vile - Depopulate
n, 2002, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Therion - Time Shall Tell
n, 1990, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Therion - Lepaca Kliffoth
n, 1995, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Master - Collection of Souls
n, 1993, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Master - On the Seventh Day God Created ... Master
n, 1991, Hammerheart NL (2022) - splatter vinyl
Pestilence - Malleus Maleficarum
n, 1988, Hammerheart NL (2017)
Therion - Crowning of Atlantis
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2021)
Grave - You ll Never See
n, 1992, Cosmic Key Creations NL (2022) - marbled vinyl
Ex Deo - Romulus
n, 2009, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Messiah - Fracmont
ss, 2020, High Roller D (black vinyl)
Grave - Morbid Ascent
ss, 2013, Abstract Emotions SPA (2022) clear
Grave - Morbid Ascent
ss, 2013, Abstract Emotions SPA (2022) orange
Minenwerfer - Der rote kampfflieger
n, 2011, Osmose FRA (2022)
Solothus - Summoned from the Void
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ (2022)
Aeon - God Ends Here
ss, 2021, Metal Blade
God Dethroned - Illuminati
ss, 2020, Metal Blade D
Messiah - Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Limbonic Art - Epitome of Illusions
n, 1998, Floga GRE (2023)
Borknagar - Epic
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Unleashed - Warrior
n, 1997, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Sinister - Legacy of Ashes
n, 2010, Cosmic Key, NL (2021) - clear
DAI - The Advent
n, 1993, Nuclear War Now USA (2022)
Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat
n, 2022, Norma Evangelium Diaboli FRA