Sphinx - 900 Days of Leningrad
n, 2024, Diabolic Might D
Kult ofenzivy - Tak jsem ji přizval k sobě
n, 2020, New Era NL
Septic Flesh - Esoptron
n, 1995, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) - red/orange vinyl
Castle - Castle
n, 1994, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) red vinyl
Dark - Sex 'n' Death (el. blue vinyl)
n, 1992, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) electric blue vinyl
Hate - Auric Gates of Veles
ss, 2019, Metal Blade D
Belphegor - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan
ss, 2000, Nuclear Blast D (2020)
Entrails - The Tomb Awaits
n, 2011, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Master - Saint Dispelled
n, 2024, Hammerheart NL
Oppressor - The Demos
n, 1993, Hammerheart NL (2024) blue vinyl
Master - Lets Start a War
n, 2002, Hammerheart NL (2022) red vinyl
Master - Faith is in Season
n, 1998, Hammerheart NL (2022) red marble vinyl
Amen Corner - Written by the Devil
n, 2024, Hammerheart NL
Bulldozer - Neurodeliri (red vinyl)
n, 1988, Hammerheart NL (2024) red vinyl
Medico Peste - ב: The Black Bile
n, 2020, Season of Mist (silver vinyl)
Defiled - The Highest Level
n, 2023, Season of Mist FRA
Nidingr - Wolf-Father
n, 2011, Jester NOR
Dark Millennium - Acid River
ss, 2022, Massacre D
Soulskinner - Seven Bowls of Wrath
n, 2020, Xtreem SPA
Mystifier - Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia
n, 2019, Season of Mist
Solstice - Casting the Die
ss, 2021, Emanzipation DK
Goat Torment - Forked Tongues
n, 2021, Season of Mist FRA
Bacchus - II
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA - splatter
Asphyx - Asphyx
ss, 1994, Floga GRE (2021) - orange
Enepsigos - Wrath of Wraths
n, 2020, Osmose FRA
Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus
n, 2005, Osmose FRA (2021)
Arkona - An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Gods
n, 1994, Hells Headbangers USA (2021)
Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus
n, 2009. Osmose FRA (2022)
Asphyx - God Cries
ss, 1996, Floga GRE (2020) - orange splatter
Dark - Sex 'n' Death (magenta vinyl)
n, 1992, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) magenta vinyl
Kult ofenzivy - Symfonie oceli
n, 2007, New Era (2019)
Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium
n, 2001, Osmose FRA (2021)
Desultory - Darkness Falls (The Early Years)
n, 1990-1992, Darkness Shall Rise D (2024)
Nifelheim - Unholy Death (silver vinyl)
n, 1993, Darkness Shall Rise D (2024)
Desaster - Churches Without Saints
ss, 2021, Metal Blade D
Midnight - Sweet Death and Ecstasy
ss, 2017, Metal Blade D (2021)
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated
ss, 1992, Back on Black UK (2009)
Immolation - Here in After
ss, 1996, Metal Blade D (2016)
Protector - The Heritage
ss, 1993, High Roller D (2013)
n, 2021, Floga GRE
Persefone - In Lak Ech
ss, 2018, Vici Solum SWE
Protector - Leviathan´s Desire
ss, 1990, High Roller D (2021) - marbled vinyl
Lord Belial - Angelgrinder
n, 2002, Floga GRE (2022)
Drakon Ho Megas - Έλευσις Αντίχριστου
n, 2023, Floga GRE
Chainsaw - Satan
n, 2024, Floga GRE
Death Racer - From Gravel to Grave
n, 2024, Dying Victims D
Warlust - Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae
n, 2024, Dying Victims D
Cryptopsy - The Best of Us Bleed (4LP box)
ss, 2012, Back On Black UK (2019) 4 LP box
Massacre - Back from Beyond (red)
n, 2014, Osmose FRA (2023) RED
Massacre - Back from Beyond
n, 2014, Osmose FRA (2023) YELLOW
Mercyless - Those Who Reign Below
n, 2024, Osmose FRA
Mercyless - Coloured Funeral
n, 1993, Osmose FRA (2024) - red vinyl
Massacra - Enjoy the Violence (white)
n, 1991, Osmose FRA (2023) WHITE MARBLE
Massacra - Final Holocaust (red)
n, 1990, Osmose FRA (2023) RED
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
ss, 1998, Back on Black UK (2009)
Grave - Hating Life
n, 1996, Metal Age SK (2021) bone vinyl
Black Beast - Arctic Darkness
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
Throat - Blood Exaltation
n, 2024, Primitive Reaction FIN
Windswept - Der eine, wahre König
n, 2024, Primitive Reaction FIN
Precambrian - Tectonics
n, 2020, Primitive Reaction FIN