Supuration - Sultry Obsession
n, 1990, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - clear vinyl
Supuration - Sultry Obsession
n, 1990, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - black vinyl
Surgikill - Sanguinary Revelations
n, 2016, Hells Headbangers USA (orange/violet vinyl)
Survivors Zero - CMXCIX
n, 2009, Cobra Records FIN
Svartelder - Pyres
n, 2016, Dusktone ITA
Svartghast - Perdition
n, 2020, Dusktone ITA
Synteleia - The Secret Last Syllable
n, 2022, Floga GRE
Taranis - Flandriae
n, 2009, Iron Pegasus D
Taranis - Taranis
n, 2007, Iron Pegasus D
Tardus Mortem - Engulfed in Pestilent Darkness
ss, 2019, Emanzipation DK (2021)
Temple of Baal - Verses of Fire
n, 2013, Agonia PL
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
n, 1996, Deformeathign PL (2021)
Teratoma - Chaosmakers
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Terrorama - Omnipotence
n, 2009, Nuclear War Now, USA
Terrorhammer - Gateways to Hades
n, 2022, Osmose FRA
Thantifaxath – Sacred White Noise
n, 2014, Dark Descent Records USA
The Austrasian Goat - Stains of Resignation
n, 2010, Music fear satan FRA
The Batallion - Head Up High
n, 2010, Ledo Takas LIT
The Konsortium - The Konsortium
ss, 2011, Agonia PL
The Mist from the Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
The Order of Apollyon - Moriah
n, 2018, Agonia PL
The Stone - Magla
n, 2006, Folter D
The Stone - Neke rane krvare večno
n, 2007, Miner Records SRB
The True Endless - Wings of Wrath
n, 2003, Aphelion Productions UK (2007)
The Wretched End - Omnious
n, 2010, Night of the Vinyl Dead, ITA (2015)
Therion - Crowning of Atlantis
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2021)
Therion - Lepaca Kliffoth
n, 1995, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Therion - Time Shall Tell
n, 1990, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Thesyre - Résistance
n, 2009, War Arts prod.
Throat - Blood Exaltation
n, 2024, Primitive Reaction FIN