Arctos - Beyond the Grasp of Mortal Hands
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D
Arkhon Infaustus - Passing the Nekromanteion
n, 2017, Les acteurs de l ombre FRA
Arkona - An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Gods
n, 1994, Hells Headbangers USA (2021)
Arkona - Imperium
n, 1996, Hellfire PL (2015)
Armanenschaft - Psychedelic Winter
n, 2008, Primitive Reaction FIN
Arphaxat - Loudun la Maudite
n, 2008, Hells Headbangers USA
Arroganz - Primitiv
ss, 2017, FDA Records D
Arsis - Visitant
ss, 2018, Agonia PL
Asgard - Demo 1997
n, 1997, Nuclear War Now USA (2020)
Asphyx - Asphyx
ss, 1994, Floga GRE (2021) - orange
Asphyx - Death... The Brutal Way
n, 2009, Floga GRE (2022) - blue vinyl
Asphyx - God Cries
ss, 1996, Floga GRE (2020) - orange splatter
Asphyx - Necroceros
ss, 2021, Century Media D
Asphyx - On the Wings of Inferno
n, 2000, Floga GRE (2021)
Atavist / Nadja - split LP
n, 2008, Kreation Records
Atman - L'Assassí de Venus
n, 2008, Ishtadeva SPA
Atomizer - Caustic Music For The Spiritually Bankrupt
n, 2008, Hells Headbanger USA (Black vinyl)
Autumn Nostalgie - Ataraxia
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Avichi -The Divine Tragedy
n, 2007, Canonical Hours (2013)
Avulsed - Altar of Disembowelment
n, 2015, Screaming Victims GRE (10" orange vinyl)
Azaghal - Helvetin yhdeksän piiriä
ss, 1999, Back on Black UK (2020)
Azarath - Blasphemers Maledictions
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Azarath - Saint Desecration
n, 2020, Agonia PL
Azazel - Aegrum Satanas Tecum
n, 2021, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azrael Rising - Raas I Salman Paradiz Haux Haux Haux
n, 2017, Primitive Reaction FIN
Bacchus - II
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA - splatter
Banished From Inferno - Minotaur
n, 2011, Black Mass Records SPA
Barbarian - To No God Shall I Kneel
n, 2019, Hells Headbangers USA (purple vinyl)
Bathory - Blood on Ice
ss, 1996, Black Mark SWE (2014)
Bathory - Hammerheart
ss, 1990, Black Mark SWE (2012)