Czech and East European Metal
Lunatic Gods - Mythus
n, 2004, Monster Nation CZ
Kern - Od narození
m/m, 1990, Supraphon CZ
Absurd Conflict - Absurd Conflict
n, 2007, Zero Budget CZ
Tortharry - Beneath
n, 2010, Monster Nation CZ
Pigsty - The Return
n, 2002, Bizarre Leprous CZ (2013)
Big Boss - Belial´s Wind
ss, 1998, Monster Nation CZ (2014)
Antigod - Wareligion
ss, 2016, Monster Nation (a další) CZ
1000 Bombs - Peace is Dead
n, 2014, Support Underground CZ (2016)
Cales - KRF
n, 2010, Werewolf CZ
Mortifilia - Fate
n, 2012, Magick Disk Musick, CZ
Ramchat - Bes / Karpaty
n, 2016, Hladohlas SK
Ramchat - Atrana
n, 2016, Hladohlas SK
Six Degrees of Separation - Moon 2002: Nocturnal Breed
n, 2002, Pařát CZ (2017)
Hypnos - The Blackcrow
ss, 2020, Monster Nation CZ
Maniac Butcher - Černá krev
n, 1998, Arges CZ (2020)
Tarantula - Mobilis in Mobili
n, 1990, Monster Nation CZ (2021)
Calibos - Calibos
n, 1992, Monster Nation CZ (2021)
Dark Storm - Infernal Tyrants
n, 2005, Agonia PL
Goatcraft - Olethros
n, 2016, Iron Bonehead D
Inferno - Black Devotion
ss, 2009, Agonia PL
Titanic - On
n, 2022, Monster Nation
Stíny Plamenů - Šum v pološerech
n, 2015, Nasphyr CZ
Denet - Krev
n, 1992, Nasphyr CZ (2018)
Maniac Butcher - Lučan - Antikrist
n, 1996, Arges Records CZ (2018)
Fleshless - Doomed
ss, 2019, Nice to eat you, CZ
Asmodeus - Příjezd krále
n, 1995, Magick Disk Musick CZ (2021)
Maniac Butcher - Invaze
n, 1999, Arges CZ (2022)
V.A.R. - Temná
ss, 2019, Pařát CZ
Železná neděle - Náměstí Beeru
n, 1991, Monster Nation CZ (2022)
Maniac Butcher - The Incapable Carrion
n, 1994, Arges CZ (2023)
Crionic - Different
n, 1993, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Zelezna nedele - Fernet
n, 1990, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Wolfram - Sál času
ss, 1995, Monster Nation CZ (2024)
V.A.R. - Level 6
n, 2014, Pařát CZ (2016)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, Hexencave SK (grey vinyl)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, In league with satan, SK (black vinyl)
Karpathia - Urheimat: volanie havranov
n, 2009, Hexencave SVK (2022)
Zmyrna / Nebran - split LP
n, 2023, Hexencave SVK
Maniac Butcher - Epitaph
n, 2000, Arges CZ (2024)
Cresset - Obscurantism
n, 2022, Hexencave SVK
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Iron
n, 1996, Nasphyr CZ (2018)
Warmarch - Pactum Cum Diabolus
n, 2009, Beyond Eyes CZ (2020)
Kult ofenzivy - Symfonie oceli
n, 2007, New Era (2019)
Nasty Ratz - First Bite
n, 2017, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Nasty Ratz - Second Chance
ss, 2019, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Silva Nigra - Epocha
n, 2007, Murderous CZ (2017)
Törr - Inkvizitörr
ss, 2022, Monster Nation CZ
Mortifilia - The Great Inferno
n, 2022, Magick Disk Musick CZ