Hallows Eve - The Neverending Sleep
n, 2008, Floga GRE (2016)
Coffins - Sacrifice to Evil Spirit
n, 2005, Osmose FRA (2012)
Barbarian - To No God Shall I Kneel
n, 2019, Hells Headbangers USA (purple vinyl)
Minenwerfer - Der rote kampfflieger
n, 2011, Osmose FRA (2022)
Stíny plamenů - Jediný poskvrněný přítok
n, 2022, Nasphyr CZ
Decembre Noir - Forsaken Earth
n, 2016, FDA Records D (2021)
Luzifer - Black Knight / Rise
ss, 2018, High Roller D (2023)
Fortress - Dont Spare the Wicked
ss, 2021, High Roller D
United Corpses - Ve smrti jednotní
n, 2024, United Corpses (self) CZ
Phantom - Transylvanian Nightmare
n, 2024, Doomentia CZ
Nocturnal Breed - Carry the Beast
ss, 2023, Dark Essence NOR
Mallevs - The Hammer
n, 2024, Floga GRE
Heir Apparent - The View from Beyond
n, 2018, No Remorse GRE
Paradoxx - Plan of Attak (Complete Worxx)
n, 1985, No Remorse GRE (2021)
Fragments of Unbecoming - Perdition Portal
ss, 2018, Apostasy D
Behemoth - Messe Noire
ss, 2018, Nuclear Blast D
Gorement - The Ending Quest
n, 1994, Osmose FRA (2021)
n, 2021, Floga GRE
Solothus - Summoned from the Void
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ (2022)
Drakon Ho Megas - Έλευσις Αντίχριστου
n, 2023, Floga GRE
Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces
n, 1996, Osmose FRA (2023)
Vortex - Drink Bat Blood
n, 2010, Metalizer Records D (2012)
Riffobia - Riffobia
n, 2023, Floga GRE
Dismember - The Complete Demos 1988 - 1990
ss, 2005, Nuclear Blast (2023) - gray vinyl, proražený hřbet
Impaled Nazarene / Driller Killer - split
n, 1999, Osmose FRA (2025)
Ambush - Desecrator
ss, 2015, High Roller D (2023)
Forgotten Tomb - Vol. 5: 1999-2009
n, 2013, Agonia PL
Einherjer - Av Oss, For Oss
ss, 2014 Indie Recordings NOR
Hellbringer - Dominion of Darkness
ss, 2012, High Roller D (2024)
Insane - Evil
n, 2017, Duplicate Records NOR
Foreseen - Grave Danger
ss, 2017, Svart Records
Ambush - Infidel
ss, 2020, High Roller D (2023)
Goatpenis - Decapitation Philosophy
n, 2020, Nuclear War Now USA
The Order of Apollyon - Moriah
n, 2018, Agonia PL
Angel Sword - Rebels Beyond the Pale
n, 2016, Underground Power D
Blood of Kingu - Sun in the House of the Scorpion
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2020)
Amon - Call the Master
n, 1992, Nasphyr CZ (2021)
Hate Forest - The Most Ancient Ones
n, 2002, Osmose FRA (2021) silver vinyl
Rosy Vista - Unbelievable
ss, 2019, Steamhammer D
Miloš Dodo Doležal - My Little World
ss, 1991, Warner CZ (2020)
Hypnos - Deathbirth
n, 2023, Nasphyr CZ
Cataleptic - The Tragedy
n, 2021, FDA Records D
Exorcizphobia - Spiritual Exodus
n, 2023, Doometnia CZ
Destructor - Sonic Bullet
ss¨, 2003, High Roller D (2023)
Six Feet Under - Death Rituals
ss, 2008, Back on Black UK (2021)
Hellbringer - Awakened from the Abyss
ss, 2016, High Roller D (2024)
Tortharry - Paměť kamenů
ss, 2024, Metalgate CZ
Grave - And Here I Die.. Satisfied
n, 1993, Osmose FRA (2025)
Vortex - Hammer Of The North
n, 2003, Hellion D
Debauchery - Contiunue to Kill
n, 2008, AFM D
Impaled Nazarene - Ugra-Karma
n, 1993, Osmose FRA (2021)
Impaled Nazarene - Road to the Octagon
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2020)
Blackfire - Lahir Dari Api
n, 2006, Feudal Throne D (2012)
Impaled Nazarene - Latex Kult
n, 1996, Osmose FRA (2013)
Limbonic Art - Epitome of Illusions
n, 1998, Floga GRE (2023)
Def Con One - II
n, 2014, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Razor - Custom Killing
s, 1987, High Roller D (2021)
Aborym - Psychogotesque
ss, 2010, Season of Mist FRA
Finntroll - Blodsvept
ss, 2013, Century Media UK
Root - Kargeras: Return from Oblivion (RED VINYL)
n, 2016, Agonia PL - red vinyl
Bloody Panda - Summon
ss, 2009, 20 Buck Spin records (2LP + DVD)
Striker - Eyes of the Night
ss, 2010, War on Music CAN
Impaled Nazarene - Nihil
n, 2000, Osmose FRA (2016)
Marduk - Those of the Unlight
n, 1993, Osmose FRA (2017)
High Spirits - You Are Here
n, 2014, Hells Headbangers USA
Infernal Majesty - No God
n, 2017, High Roller D, black vinyl
Keep of Kalessin - Epistemology
ss, 2014, Indie Recordings NOR
Acid Force - Atrocity for the Lust
n, 2017, Support Undeground CZ
Arkona - Imperium
n, 1996, Hellfire PL (2015)
Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta
ss, 1987, Aaarrg D (2016)
Inquisitor - Stigmata Me, I am in Misery
n, 2018, Hammerheart NL
God Dethroned - The World Ablazed
ss, 2017, Metal Blade D
Arkhon Infaustus - Passing the Nekromanteion
n, 2017, Les acteurs de l ombre FRA
Necromantia - The Sound of Lucifer Storming Heaven
n, 2007, Osmose FRA (2017)
Toxic Waltz - From a Distant View
ss, 2016, Violent Creek D
Borknagar - Epic
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Borknagar - Origin
n, 2006, Cosmic Key NL (2018)
Skull Pit - Skull Pit
ss, 2018, Metal Blade
Enslaved - The Sleeping Gods + Thorns
ss, 2011, By Norse NOR (2016)
Dew-Scented - Intermination
ss, 2015, Metal Blade D
Lepra - Whom Aeons Tore Apart
n, 2017, Drakkar FRA
Root - The Book
ss, 1999, Nasphyr CZ (2019)
Trial - Motherless
ss, 2017, Metal Blade D
Artillery - The Face of Fear
ss, 2018, Metal Blade D
Repent - Condemned to Fail
ss, 2019, High Roller D
Sindrome - Resurrection (The Complete Collection)
ss, 2016, Century Media D
Revocation - Existence if Futile
ss, 2009, Metal Blade D (2017)
Anthem - Nucleus
ss, 2019, Nuclear Blast D
Razor - Executioners Song
n, 1985, Unidisc / Viper Records CAN (2019) (HHR-2019-53)
God Dethroned - Passiondale
n, 2009, Floga GRE (2019)
God Dethroned - The Toxic Touch
n, 2006, Floga GRE (2019)
God Dethroned - Into the Lungs of Hell
n, 2003, Floga GRE (2019)
Vomitor - The Escalation
n, 2012, Hells Headbangers (2019)
Chalice - Trembling Crown
n, 2020, High Roller D
Krabathor - Demonizer (Mortal Memories II)
ss, 2021, Monster Nation CZ
Striker - Striker
ss, 2016, Record Breaking Records, CAN
Burning Witches - Dance with the Devil
ss, 2020, Nuclear Blast D
Disciples of the Void - Disciples of the Void
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azrael Rising - Raas I Salman Paradiz Haux Haux Haux
n, 2017, Primitive Reaction FIN
Valravn - Prey
n, 2020, Primitive Reaction FIN
Squealer - Behind Closed Doors
ss, 2018, Pride and Joy, D
Surma - The Light Within
ss, 2020, Metal Blade (grey/black marbled)
Accuser - Accuser
ss, 2020, Metal Blade (ivory beige greyv vinyl)
Evilcult - At the Darkest Night
n, 2020, Diabolic Might D
Nocturnal Rites - Afterlife
n, 2000, Diabolic Might D (2021)
Mythic - Anthology
n, 1998, Floga GRE (2021)
Patronymicon - Ushered Forth by Cloven Tongue
n, 2019, Osmose FRA
Magnus - Alcoholic Suicide
n, 1994, Deformeathing PL (2021)
Kult ofenzivy - Tak jsem ji přizval k sobě
n, 2020, New Era NL
October Tide - In Splender Below
n, 2019, Agonia PL
Demonical - Servants of the Unlight
n, 2007, Agonia PL (2021)
Demonical - Death Infernal
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Medico Peste - ב: The Black Bile
n, 2020, Season of Mist (silver vinyl)
Mystifier - Protogoni Mavri Magiki Dynasteia
n, 2019, Season of Mist
Amon - The Worship
n, 1998, Nasphyr CZ (2021)
Krabathor - Pocity detronizace/Feelings of Dethronisation
n, 1991, Nasphyr CZ (2021)
Marduk - World Funeral
n, 2003, Osmose FRA (2021)
Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign
n, 2016, Osmose FRA (2022)
Impaled Nazarene - Eight Headed Serpent
n, 2021, Osmose FRA
Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus
n, 2009. Osmose FRA (2022)
Dekapitator - We Will Destroy... You Will Obey!!!
n, 1999, Diabolic Might D (2020)
Viking - Do or Die
ss, 1988, High Roller D (2023)
Cult of Fire - Triumvirát
ss, 2012, Beyond Eyes CZ (2022)
Azarath - Blasphemers Maledictions
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Azarath - Saint Desecration
n, 2020, Agonia PL
Suffering Sights - When Sanity Becomes Insanity
n, 2021, Dying Victims D
Raptore - Blackfire
n, 2022, Dying Victims D
Krolok - Funeral Winds & Crimson Sky
n, 2022, Osmose FRA
Mirage - And the Earth Shall Crumble
n, 1985, Diabolic Might D (2022)
Cutty Sark - Die Tonight
ss, 1984, Golden Core D (2021)
Blitzkrieg - The Mists of Avalon
n, 1998, High Roller D (2018)
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
n, 2006, Floga GRE (2022)
Lord Belial - Angelgrinder
n, 2002, Floga GRE (2022)
Firewind - The Premonition
n, 2008, Floga GRE (2022)
Sinister - Legacy of Ashes
n, 2010, Cosmic Key, NL (2021) - clear
Unleashed - Hells Unleashed (splatter)
n, 2002, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Grave - Endless Procession of Souls
n, 2012, Osmose FRA (2023) black
Grave - Into the Grave
n, 1991, Osmose FRA (2023) black
Tyrant - Mean Machine (splatter)
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2022) splatter
Trastorned - Into the Void
n, 2023, Dying Victims D
Manilla Road - Mysterium
ss, 2013, High Roller D (2023)
Dementor - The Church Dies
n, 1994, Nasphyr CZ (2023)
Dementor - Morbid Infection
n, 1993, Nasphyr CZ (2023)
Dark Millennium - Ashore the Celestial Burden
n, 1992, Floga GRE (2022)
Steel Inferno - ... and the Earth Stood Still
n, 2020, Deadbangers prod., DK
Parasitario - Everything Belongs to Death
n, 2022, FDA Records D
Slaughterday - Tyrants of Doom
n, 2022, FDA Records D (blue vinyl)
Abolish - From the Depth
n, 2023, FDA Records D
Vitacit - Vzhůru přes oceán
ss, 1990, Warner 2020