Anorexia Nervosa - New Obscurantis Order
n, 2001, Osmose FRA (2022) blue
Anorexia Nervosa - Sodomizing the Archedangel
n, 1999, Osmose FRA (2019)
Anthem - Nucleus
ss, 2019, Nuclear Blast D
Antigama - Discomfort
n, 2004, Fast and Furious NL
Antigama - Meteor
n, 2013, Selfmadegod PL - splatter vinyl
Antigama - Stop the Chaos
n, 2012, Selfmadegod PL (WHITE VINYL)
Antigod - Wareligion
ss, 2016, Monster Nation (a další) CZ
Antioch - Antioch VI: Molten Rainbow
n, 2023, Iron Shield D
Antipeewee - Human Grill Party
n, 2014, G.U.C. Records, D
Anvil - Back to Basics
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2019)
Apocalyptic Raids - Only Death is Real...
n, 2001, Hells Headbangers USA (2013)
Apocalyptic Raids - The Third Storm
n, 2005, Hells Headbangers USA (2015)
Apocryphal - Facing the End
ss, 2024, The Circle Music GRE (yellow/red vinyl)
Apolokia - Kathaarian Vortex
n, 2013, Sad Sun Music
Apostle of Solitude / Dawnrider - split 12EP
n, 2011, Blood and Iron Records, POR
Aquilla - Mankinds Odyssey
n, 2022 Jawbreaker SWE
Arbitrater - Balance of Power
ss, 1991, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Archgoat - Black Mass XXX
n, 2020, Debemur Morti FRA