Unleashed - No Sign of Life
ss, 2021, Napalm AT
Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Unleashed - Sworn Allegiance
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Unleashed - Warrior
n, 1997, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Unpure - World Collapse
n, 2004, Agonia PL
Untimely Demise - Systematic Eradiction
n, 2013, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2014)
Upset Noise - Ribellione controllata - Lost Demotape 1984
n, 2012, F.O.A.D. ITA
Urgehal - Ikonoklast
n, 2009, Funeral Industries D (2015)
Urgehal - The Eternal Eclipse - 15 Years of Satanic Black Metal
n, 2007, Agonia PL (2016)
Urn - 666 Megatons
n, 2001, Osmose FRA (2024)
Urn - Dawn of the Devastation
n, 2006, Osmose FRA (2024) red vinyl
Urn - Soul Destroyers
n, 2008, Osmose FRA (2024) red vinyl
Uruk Hai / Moloch - split LP
n, 2010, Aphelion Productions UK
Utumno - Live in Sweden 1991
ss, 2013, War Anthem D (10 inch)
Uzala - Tales of Blood & Fire
n, 2013, King od the Monsters USA (black vinyl)