Scythian - Hybris in Excelsis
ss, 2015, Hells Headbangers USA
Seax - Speed Inferno
n, 2022, Diabolic Mgiht D
Secret Sphere - Portrait of a Dying Heart
n, 2012, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Security Threat - The Truth is Out
n, 2009, Civilisation Records D
Secutor - Stand Defiant
n, 2016, Diabolic Might Records D
Sekhmet / Koltum - split EP
n, 2011, Werewolf CZ
Sentenced - Story: A recollection
n, 1997, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2025)
Sentinel Beast - Depths of Death
ss, 1986, High Roller D (2023) black vinyl
Septagon - Apocalyptic Rhymes
n, 2018, Cruz del sur music ITA (green vinyl)
Septagon - Deadhead Syndicate
n, 2016, Cruz del sur music ITA
Septic Flesh - Esoptron
n, 1995, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) - red/orange vinyl
Sete Star Sept - Sacrifice
n, 2013, Fuck Yoga Records
Setherial - Ekpyrosis
ss, 2010, Funeral Industries D (2013)
Setherial - Firestorms
ss, 2013, Funeral Industries D
Shaarimoth - Current 11
n, 2005, Temple of Darkness SPA
Shadowland - The Necromancers Castle
n, 2021, No Remorse GRE
Shadows Land - Ante Christum (Natum)
n, 2004, Osmose FRA
Shadows Toward My Sky - Forever Lost my Dying Love
ex/m, 1997, Sombre D
Shatter Messiah - Orphans of Chaos
n, 2016, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Shock - Heavy Metal We Salute You
n, 1991, Diabolic Might D (2020)
Shodan - Death. Rule over us
n, 2020, Deformeathing PL
Shok Paris - Full Metal Jacket
n, 2020, No Remorse GRE
Shrapnel - Hellbound
n, 2010, Witching Metal D
Shrapnel - The Virus Conspires
ss, 2014, Back on Black UK
Shrine - Goat Skin Rite
n, 2012, Heavy Forces D
Shub Niggurath / Necroccultus - split LP
n, 2008, Iron Bonehead D
Silent Kingdom - Legends of an Old Grave
s, 2009, Zero Budget CZ
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Iron
n, 1996, Nasphyr CZ (2018)
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Jiná
ss, 2024, Osamělí CZ (LP+7")
Silva Nigra - Epocha
n, 2007, Murderous CZ (2017)
Sindrome - Resurrection (The Complete Collection)
ss, 2016, Century Media D
Sinister - Legacy of Ashes
n, 2010, Cosmic Key, NL (2021) - clear
Sink - The Holy Testament
ss, 2011, Svart Records FIN
Sink - The Process
n, 2010, Rusty Crowbar Records FIN
Sinner - Respect
n, 1993, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2024)
Sintage - Paralyzing Chains
ss, 2023, High Roller D
Sithlord - From Out of the Darkness
n, 2019, Diabolic Might D (2021)
Six Degrees of Separation - Moon 2002: Nocturnal Breed
n, 2002, Pařát CZ (2017)
Six Feet Under - Death Rituals
ss, 2008, Back on Black UK (2021)
Six Feet Under - Graveyeard Classics 2
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Skinflint - Gauna
n, 2011, Legion of Death FRA
Skinless - Savagery
n, 2018, Relapse
Skull Pit - Skull Pit
ss, 2018, Metal Blade
Skyclad - Forward Into the Past
ss, 2017, Listenable FRA (red vinyl)
Slagmaur - Von Rov Shelter
n, 2009, Osmose FRA
Slaughter Command - Ride the Tornado
n, 2012, Iron Bonehead D
Slaughterday - Tyrants of Doom
n, 2022, FDA Records D (blue vinyl)
Slaves - Insolent Aggression
ss, 2021, High Roller D
Slayer - Hell Awaits
ss, 1984, Metal Blade D (2015)
Sodomizer / Farscape - split EP
n, 2007, Iron Bonehead D
Soldier - Murderous Night
n, 2004, Killer Metal Records D
Solitude Aeturnus - In Times of Solitude
ss, 2011, Back on Black UK (2017)
Solothus - Summoned from the Void
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ (2022)
Solstice - Casting the Die
ss, 2021, Emanzipation DK
Sonambula - Estasis Interrumpida
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Soulskinner - Seven Bowls of Wrath
n, 2020, Xtreem SPA
Space Chaser - Watch the Skies
n, 2014, This Charming Man D
Space Eater - Aftershock
n, 2010, Metalizer Records D
Space Parasites - The Spellbound Witch
n, 2022, Iron Shield D
Spellcaster - Under the Spell
m/vg+, 2011, Heavy Artillery USA
Spetälsk - Spetälsk
n, 2007, Carnal Records (2010)
Sphinx - 900 Days of Leningrad
n, 2024, Diabolic Might D
Splitter / F.U.B.A.R. - split LP
n, 2008, Fast and Furious NL
Squealer - Behind Closed Doors
ss, 2018, Pride and Joy, D
Stallion / Ambush - split EP (Heavy Metal Thunder Sessions)
n, 2023, Doomentia CZ
Stargazery - Eye on the Sky
n, 2011, Pure Steel D (2019)
Steel Assassin - From the Vaults
n, 1997, High Roller D (2011)
Steel Inferno - ... and the Earth Stood Still
n, 2020, Deadbangers prod., DK
Steel Prophet - Eyes Of The Prophet - Vision Past
n, 2004, Hellion D
Steel Prophet - Omniscient
n, 2014, Cruz del sur music ITA
Steelhammer (Chris Boltendahl) - Reborn in Flames
s, 2023, ROAR, GRE
Stench - Venture
n, 2014, Agonia PL
Stíny plamenů - Jediný poskvrněný přítok
n, 2022, Nasphyr CZ
Stíny Plamenů - Šum v pološerech
n, 2015, Nasphyr CZ
Stíny Plamenů - Záře zápalných šňůr
n, 2020, Nasphyr CZ
Stormhunter - Crime and Punishment
n, 2011, Emanes FRA
Stormhunter - Stormhunter
n, 2009, G.U.C. (2017)
Streamer - Light of Death
n, 2020, Diabolic Might D
Strikemaster - Vicious Nightmare
n, 2009, Iron Bonehead D (2011)
Striker - Eyes of the Night
ss, 2010, War on Music CAN
Striker - Striker
ss, 2016, Record Breaking Records, CAN
Stuka Party - Schmeiser Smasher
n, 2014, Hammerheart NL (10")
Sudden Darkness - Fear of Reality
n, 1987, Diabolic Might D (2016)
Suffer - Structures
n, 1994, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2023)
Suffering Sights - When Sanity Becomes Insanity
n, 2021, Dying Victims D
Suicidal Angels - The Early Years (2001-2006)
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Suicide Silence - Suicide Silence
n, 2017, Nuclear Blast D
Suma - Ashes
n, 2010, Throne Records 2LP
Sun of the Blind - Skullreader
ss, 2009, Essential Purification AUT (2014)
Superchrist - Defenders of the Filth
n, 2009, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA
Superchrist - Headbanger
n, 2007, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2013)
Superchrist - South of Hell
n, 2004, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2012)
Supuration - Sultry Obsession
n, 1990, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - clear vinyl
Supuration - Sultry Obsession
n, 1990, Dark Symphonies USA (2016) - black vinyl
Surgikill - Sanguinary Revelations
n, 2016, Hells Headbangers USA (orange/violet vinyl)
Surma - The Light Within
ss, 2020, Metal Blade (grey/black marbled)
Survivors Zero - CMXCIX
n, 2009, Cobra Records FIN
Svartelder - Pyres
n, 2016, Dusktone ITA
Svartghast - Perdition
n, 2020, Dusktone ITA
Synteleia - The Secret Last Syllable
n, 2022, Floga GRE
Syris - Syris
n, 1995, Black Beard ITA (2023)
Syris - Unseen Forces
n, 1998, Black Beard ITA (2023)
Tank - Honour & Blood
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2023)
Tank - Tank
ss, 1987, High Roller D (2023)
Tank - This Means War
ss, 1983, High Roller D (2023)
Tantrum - Melt it Down
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Taramis - Queen of Thieves
ss, 1987, Golden Core Records D (2022)
Taranis - Flandriae
n, 2009, Iron Pegasus D
Taranis - Taranis
n, 2007, Iron Pegasus D
Tarantula - Mobilis in Mobili
n, 1990, Monster Nation CZ (2021)
Tardus Mortem - Engulfed in Pestilent Darkness
ss, 2019, Emanzipation DK (2021)
Taskforce Toxicator - Laser Samurai
n, 2023, Iron Shield D
Taunted - Bleeding Black
n, 2009, Iron Shield D
Teeth of the Hydra - Greenland
ss, 2006, Tee Pee Records
Temple of Baal - Verses of Fire
n, 2013, Agonia PL
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
n, 1996, Deformeathign PL (2021)
Tension - Decay
n, 2022, Dying Victims D
Teratoma - Chaosmakers
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Terra Caput Mundi - Lost in the Warp
n, 2014, Witches Brew D
Terrorama - Omnipotence
n, 2009, Nuclear War Now, USA
Terrorhammer - Gateways to Hades
n, 2022, Osmose FRA
Thantifaxath – Sacred White Noise
n, 2014, Dark Descent Records USA
The Accused - The Curse of Martha Splatterhead
n, 2009, Southern Lord USA (red-black splatter vinyl)
The Austrasian Goat - Stains of Resignation
n, 2010, Music fear satan FRA
The Batallion - Head Up High
n, 2010, Ledo Takas LIT
The Dogs d Amour - When Bastards go to Hell
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2023)
The Konsortium - The Konsortium
ss, 2011, Agonia PL
The Mist from the Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
The Night Flight Orchestra - Skyline Whispers
n, 2015, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
The Order of Apollyon - Moriah
n, 2018, Agonia PL
The Stone - Magla
n, 2006, Folter D
The Stone - Neke rane krvare večno
n, 2007, Miner Records SRB
The Storm - Eye of the Storm
n, 1995, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2024)
The True Endless - Wings of Wrath
n, 2003, Aphelion Productions UK (2007)
The Wretched End - Omnious
n, 2010, Night of the Vinyl Dead, ITA (2015)
Therion - A'arab Zaraq - Lucid Dreaming
n, 1997, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2023)
Therion - Crowning of Atlantis
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2021)
Therion - Lepaca Kliffoth
n, 1995, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Therion - Les Épaves
n, 2016, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Therion - Time Shall Tell
n, 1990, Hammerheart NL (2022)
Therion – Cover Songs 1993-2007
n, 2022, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Thesyre - Résistance
n, 2009, War Arts prod.
Thomas Silver - The Gospel According to Thomas
n, 2018, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Thrash Metal Blitzkrieg vol. 3
n, 2007, Iron Bonehead D
Throat - Blood Exaltation
n, 2024, Primitive Reaction FIN
Throne - MCMXCV: The Ultimate Blasphemy
n, 2019, Deathworx
Throneum - Ceremonial Abhorrence & Darkness
n, 2010, Necromancer D
Throneum - Deathcult Conspiracy
ss, 2009, Pagan Records PL
Throneum - Mutiny of Death
n, 2003, Pagan Records PL
Thrust - Harvest of Souls
n, 2018, Pure Steel D