Minenwerfer - Volkslieder
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2021)
Ghost - Bad Obsession
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2023)
Christ Agony - Daemoonseth - Act II
n, 1994, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Christ Agony - Unholyunion
n, 1993, Deformeathing PL (2022)
Unleashed - No Sign of Life
ss, 2021, Napalm AT
Minenwerfer - Alpenpässe
n, 2019, Osmose FRA (2021)
The Mist from the Mountains - Monumental - The Temple of Twilight
n, 2022, Primitive Reaction FIN
Valravn - The Awakening
n, 2023, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azazel - Aegrum Satanas Tecum
n, 2021, Primitive Reaction FIN
Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying, The Dead
ss, 2022, Universal Music
Valravn - Prey
n, 2020, Primitive Reaction FIN
Azrael Rising - Raas I Salman Paradiz Haux Haux Haux
n, 2017, Primitive Reaction FIN
Disciples of the Void - Disciples of the Void
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN
Taramis - Queen of Thieves
ss, 1987, Golden Core Records D (2022)
Sacrifice - On the Altar of Rock
ss, 1985, Golden Core Records D (2022)
Destruction - Release From Agony
ss, 1987, High Roller D (2023)
Destruction - Cracked Brain
ss, 1990, High Roller D (2023)
Grave Digger - War Games
ss, 1986, High Roller D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Live in Zbraslav (yellow vinyl)
n, 1989, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Finished (black vinyl)
n, 1988, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Live in Zbraslav (black vinyl)
n, 1989, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Mefisto - Megalomania / The Puzzle (gold vinyl)
ss, 1986, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Arbitrater - Balance of Power
ss, 1991, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Sarcasm - A Touch of the Burning Red Sunset
n, 2023, Darkness Shall Rise D
Necrosanct - Desolate
ss, 1993, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - The Fall of Idol (black vinyl)
n, 1990, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Master - The Witch Hunt (demo recorinds)
ss, 2020, Metal Bastards SPA
Generichrist - Insomniac Death Parade
ss, 2020, Metal Bastards SPA
Majesty - Rebels
ss, 2017, NoiseArt Records, AT
Warfare - A Conflict of Hatred
ss, 1988, Back on Black UK (2018)
Defecation - Killing with Kindness
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Santo Subito
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Disastrous Murmur - Dismemberment
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Virus - Pray for War
ss, 1987, Back on Black UK (2021)
Virus - Force Recon
ss, 1988, Back on Black UK (2021)
Virus - Lunacy
ss, 1989, Back on Black UK (2021)
Azaghal - Helvetin yhdeksän piiriä
ss, 1999, Back on Black UK (2020)
King Diamond - The Dark Sides
ss, 1988, Metal Blade D (2022)
Cales - Chants of Steel (marbled)
n, 2023, Edged Circle NOR (marbled vinyl)
Cales - Chants of Steel (black)
n, 2023, Edged Circle NOR
Blackthorn - The Rotten Ways of Human Misery
n, 1993, Huangquan CHN (2023)
1349 - The Infernal Pathway
n, 2019, Season of Mist
Nightbringer - Hierophany of the Open Grave
n, 2011, Season of Mist FRA (2019)
Mayhem - Ordo ad Chao
n, 2007, Season of Mist (2018)
Scanner - Mental Reservation
ss, 1995, ROAR, GRE (2023)
Scanner - Hypertrace
ss, 1988, ROAR, GRE (2023)
X-Wild - So what!
ss, 1994, ROAR, GRE (2022)
V.A.R. - Level 6
n, 2014, Pařát CZ (2016)
Steelhammer (Chris Boltendahl) - Reborn in Flames
s, 2023, ROAR, GRE
Grave Digger - Symbol of Eternity
ss, 2022, ROAR, GRE