Asphyx - Death... The Brutal Way
n, 2009, Floga GRE (2022) - blue vinyl
Asphyx - Asphyx
ss, 1994, Floga GRE (2021) - orange
Asmodina - Headbanger
n, 1986, No Remorse GRE (2023)
Asmodeus - Příjezd krále
n, 1995, Magick Disk Musick CZ (2021)
Ascalon - Reflections
n, 2016, No Remorse GRE
Artizan - Ancestral Energy
n, 2013, Pure Steel D
Artillery - The Face of Fear
ss, 2018, Metal Blade D
Arrow - The Heavy Metal Mania / Master of Evil
n, 1984, Diabolic Might D (2021)
Army of Flying Robots - Life is Cheap
n, 2007, Feast of Tentacles UK
Armour - Armour
n, 2010, Hells Headbangers USA - DIE HARD colored vinyl
Armored Saint - Raising Fear
ss, 1987, Metal Blade D (2022)
Armored Saint - Punching the Sky
ss, 2020, Metal Blade
Armored Saint - March of the Saint
ss, 19984, Metal Blade D (2022)
Armanenschaft - Psychedelic Winter
n, 2008, Primitive Reaction FIN
Arcturus - Arcturian
n, 2015, Prophecy D (blue transparent curacao vinyl)