Vulcano - XIV
n, 2016, Diabolic Might D
Nasty Savage - Psycho psycho
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Raven - Everything Louder
n, 1997, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Adversor - The End of Mankind
n, 2018, Punishment18 ITA
Tantrum - Melt it Down
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Nights Blood - Black Arts
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Borknagar - Origin
n, 2006, Cosmic Key NL (2018)
Oak - Oak
n, 2009, A389 Recordings USA
Oak - ii
n, 2010, A389 Recordings USA
Pyrrhon - The Mother of Virtues
n, 2014, Relapse USA
Christian Mistress - To Your Death
n, 2015, Relapse
Deranged - Struck by a Murderous Siege
n, 2016, Agonia PL
Six Feet Under - Graveyeard Classics 2
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Hypnos - The Blackcrow
ss, 2020, Monster Nation CZ
Evil Warriors - Fall from Reality
ss, 2018, War Anthem D
Mordor - Darkness
ss, 2018, Pagan Records PL
Maniac Butcher - Černá krev
n, 1998, Arges CZ (2020)
Secret Sphere - Portrait of a Dying Heart
n, 2012, Sleaszy Rider GRE