Muspellzheimr – Kolbitr
n, 2018, Amor Fati D
Sator Marte - Termonukleární evoluce
n, 2008, Arges CZ (2020)
Pestilence - Hadeon
n, 2018, Hammerheart NL
Stíny Plamenů - Záře zápalných šňůr
n, 2020, Nasphyr CZ
Primitai - The Calling
ss, 2018, Back on Black (2019)
Perverted Ceremony / Witchcraft - split LP
n, 2019, Nuclear War Now USA
Nupta Cadavera - Nupta Cadavera
n, 2019, Nuclear War Now USA
Extermination Temple - Lifeless Forms
n, 2016, Apocalyptic Visions
Imindain - The Enemy of Fetters and the Dweller in the Woods
n, 2017, Aphelion UK
V.A. - Hail to Bombarder
n, 2016, Aphelion
H2SO4 - Reality Show
n, 1994, Walkiria SPA
Septagon - Apocalyptic Rhymes
n, 2018, Cruz del sur music ITA (green vinyl)
Road Warrior - Power
n, 2018, Gates of Hell ITA
Septagon - Deadhead Syndicate
n, 2016, Cruz del sur music ITA
Black Cyclone - Death is King
n, 2018, Gates of Hell ITA
Vestal Claret - The Cult of Vestal Claret
n, 2014, Cruz del sur music ITA
Steel Prophet - Omniscient
n, 2014, Cruz del sur music ITA
TIR - Metal Shock
n, 2019, Gates of Hell ITA
Quicksand Dream - Beheading Tyrants
n, 2016, Cruz del sur music ITA
Walpyrgus - Walpyrgus Nights
n, 2017, Cruz del sur music ITA
Pustina - Předtucha nastávající zimy
n, 2013, Magick Disk Musick CZ (2019)
Sudden Darkness - Fear of Reality
n, 1987, Diabolic Might D (2016)
Faith or Fear - Instruments of Death
n, 2009, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Vulcano - XIV
n, 2016, Diabolic Might D
Nasty Savage - Psycho psycho
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Raven - Everything Louder
n, 1997, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Adversor - The End of Mankind
n, 2018, Punishment18 ITA
Tantrum - Melt it Down
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Nights Blood - Black Arts
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Borknagar - Origin
n, 2006, Cosmic Key NL (2018)