Nuclearhammer – Serpentine Hermetic Lucifer
n, 2014, Nuclear War Now USA
Ill Omen - Æ.Thy.Rift
n, 2016, Nuclear War Now USA
Maniac Butcher - Lučan - Antikrist
n, 1996, Arges Records CZ (2018)
Mortifilia - ...When I Killed the God
n, 2016, Magick Disk CZ (2019)
Batushka - Hospodi
ss, 2019, Mystic PL
Sauron - Wara!
n, 2016, Witching Hour PL
Revocation - Existence if Futile
ss, 2009, Metal Blade D (2017)
Orphaned Land - The Forbidden Tracks
n, 2019, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Thy Primordial - Where Only the Seasons Mark the Paths of Time
ss, 1997, Back on Black UK (2018)
Thy Primordial - The Crowning Carnage
ss, 2002, Back on Black UK (2018)
Thy Primordial - The Heresy of an Age of Reason
ss, 2000, Back on Black UK (2018)
Morta Skuld - As Humanity Fades
n, 1994, Peaceville UK (2017)
Coffins - Sacrifice to Evil Spirit
n, 2005, Osmose FRA (2012)
Warmarch - Pactum Cum Diabolus
n, 2009, Beyond Eyes CZ (2020)
Splitter / F.U.B.A.R. - split LP
n, 2008, Fast and Furious NL
Origin of Infinity - The Last Day on Earth
n, 2020, Origin of Infinity
Arkhamin Kirjasto - Torches Ablaze
n, 2012, Streak Records DE
Sun of the Blind - Skullreader
ss, 2009, Essential Purification AUT (2014)
Aguirre - Fatalitas
ss, 2011, Wifagena D
Korihor - Kult Razor
n, 2002, Deathrash Armageddon JP
Muspellzheimr – Kolbitr
n, 2018, Amor Fati D
Sator Marte - Termonukleární evoluce
n, 2008, Arges CZ (2020)
Pestilence - Hadeon
n, 2018, Hammerheart NL
Stíny Plamenů - Záře zápalných šňůr
n, 2020, Nasphyr CZ
Perverted Ceremony / Witchcraft - split LP
n, 2019, Nuclear War Now USA
Imindain - The Enemy of Fetters and the Dweller in the Woods
n, 2017, Aphelion UK
V.A. - Hail to Bombarder
n, 2016, Aphelion
Pustina - Předtucha nastávající zimy
n, 2013, Magick Disk Musick CZ (2019)
Vulcano - XIV
n, 2016, Diabolic Might D
Nights Blood - Black Arts
n, 2018, Diabolic Might D
Borknagar - Origin
n, 2006, Cosmic Key NL (2018)
Oak - Oak
n, 2009, A389 Recordings USA
Oak - ii
n, 2010, A389 Recordings USA
Pyrrhon - The Mother of Virtues
n, 2014, Relapse USA
Deranged - Struck by a Murderous Siege
n, 2016, Agonia PL
Six Feet Under - Graveyeard Classics 2
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2020)
Hypnos - The Blackcrow
ss, 2020, Monster Nation CZ
Evil Warriors - Fall from Reality
ss, 2018, War Anthem D
Mordor - Darkness
ss, 2018, Pagan Records PL
Maniac Butcher - Černá krev
n, 1998, Arges CZ (2020)
Nokturnal Mortum - Kolovrot
n, 2011, Osmose FRA (2020) - 3LP
Goatpenis - Decapitation Philosophy
n, 2020, Nuclear War Now USA
Hate Eternal - Phoenix amongst the Ashes
ss, 2011, Metal Blade D (2015)
The Order of Apollyon - Moriah
n, 2018, Agonia PL
Psycroptic - The Watcher of All
n, 2020, Agonia PL
WSOBM - By the Rivers of Heresy
n, 2020, Night of the Viny Dead ITA
Inferno - Paradeigma
n, 2021, Debemur Morti, FRA
Behemoth - Messe Noire
ss, 2018, Nuclear Blast D
Goats of Doom - Rukous
n, 2018, Primitive Reaction FIN
Ages - Uncrown
ss, 2020, Black Lodge SWE
Wormwood - Ghostlands: Wounds from a Bleeding Earth
ss, 2017, Black Lodge SWE (2020)
Pestilence - Exitivm
n, 2021, Agonia PL
Pestilence - Exitivm (clear vinyl)
n, 2021, Agonia PL (clear vinyl)
Crimson Moon - Mors Vincit Omnia
n, 2019, Debemur Morti FRA
Skinless - Savagery
n, 2018, Relapse
God Dethroned - Into the Lungs of Hell
n, 2003, Floga GRE (2019)
Carnal Ruin - Gnosis of Immortal Domain
n, 2020, Floga GRE
Krabathor - Demonizer (Mortal Memories II)
ss, 2021, Monster Nation CZ
Venom - The Waste Lands (green vinyl)
n, 1992, Rockmark BLR (2021) green vinyl
Venom - The Waste Lands (red vinyl)
n, 1992, Rockmark BLR (2021) red vinyl