Omen - Teeth of the Hydra
n, 1989, Black Beard ITA (2021)
High Spirits - You Are Here
n, 2014, Hells Headbangers USA (splatter vinyl)
Bell - Tidecaller
n, 2017, High Roller D
Suicidal Angels - The Early Years (2001-2006)
n, 2016, Floga GRE
Transmetal - Clasicos
n, 2013, Diabolic Might D (2018)
Caligula - Technical Aggression
n, 1987, Ripping Storm ITA (2020)
Marduk - Iron Dawn
n, 2011, Osmose FRA (2023) - clear black vinyl
Tynator - Shrieking Sounds of Deafening Terror
ss, 1987-1992, Back on Black UK (2022)
Scalare - Under Hells Dominion
n, 2022, Deathstrike records D
Patronymicon - All Daggers Towards the Sky
n, 2013, Carnal Records SWE(2016)
Dream Evil - Evilized
n, 2003, Transcending Records USA (2021)
Impurity - The Lamb´s Fury
n, 2005, Nuclear War Now USA
Torture Garden - Torture Garden
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2010)
Hotel Diablo - The Return to Psycho California
n, 2012, Night of the Vinyl Dead, ITA
Mobile Mob Freakshow - Horror Freakshow
n, 1994, Primitive Art SWE (2012) RED vinyl