Crawl Back In - Hang All Hope From the Nearest Tree
n, 2009, Hidden Skill SWE
Crepitation - The Violence Of The Slams
n, 2017, Morbid Generation, D
Cresset - Obscurantism
n, 2022, Hexencave SVK
Crimson Moon - Mors Vincit Omnia
n, 2019, Debemur Morti FRA
Cruadalach - Agni: Unveil What´s Burning Inside
n, 2011, Pařát CZ
Crucified Mortals / FaithXtractor - split LP
n, 2008, Hells Headbangers USA
Crucifier - Cursed Cross
n, 2006, Anger of Metal D
Cryptopsy - The Best of Us Bleed (4LP box)
ss, 2012, Back On Black UK (2019) 4 LP box
Cult of Daath - Slit Throats and Ritual Nights
n, 2006, Nuclear War Now USA
Cult of Fire - Kali Fire Puja
n, 2018, Beyond Eyes CZ
Cult of Fire - Moksha+Nirvana
n, 2020, Beyond Eyes CZ
Cult of Fire - Triumvirát
ss, 2012, Beyond Eyes CZ (2022)
Cursed 13 - Triumf
n, 2013, Carnal Records (SWE)
DAI - The Advent
n, 1993, Nuclear War Now USA (2022)
Damnation Defaced - Invader from Beyond
ss, 2017, Apostasy D
Dark - Sex 'n' Death ( vinyl)
n, 1992, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) electric blue vinyl
Dark - Sex 'n' Death (magenta vinyl)
n, 1992, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) magenta vinyl
Dark - Zlá krev (black)
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) black vinyl
Dark - Zlá krev (clear)
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) clear vinyl
Dark - Zlá krev (red)
n, 1991, Dark Symphonies USA (2024) red vinyl
Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus
n, 2005, Osmose FRA (2021)
Dark Funeral - Angelus Exuro Pro Eternus
n, 2009. Osmose FRA (2022)
Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium
n, 2001, Osmose FRA (2021)
Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign
n, 2016, Osmose FRA (2022)
Dark Millennium - Acid River
ss, 2022, Massacre D
Dark Millennium - Ashore the Celestial Burden
n, 1992, Floga GRE (2022)
Dark Storm - Infernal Tyrants
n, 2005, Agonia PL
Darzamat - Solfernus' Path
ss, 2009, Witching Hour PL
Dead Chasm - Sublimis Ignotum Omni
n, 2023, FDA Records D
Dead Infection - Corpses of the Universe
n, 2009, Haunted Hotel Records USA
Dead Silent Slumber - Entombed in the Midnight Hour
n, 1999, Hammerheart NL
Dead To This World - First Strike for Spiritual Renewance
n, 2008, Iron Pegasus D
Death - The Sound of Perseverance
n, 1998, Relapse UK (2020) - splatter
Death Dies - Rebirth of the Evil One
n, 2002, Romano Impero, ITA
Death Racer - From Gravel to Grave
n, 2024, Dying Victims D
Death Reality - Flesh Still Feeds
n, 2003, Autopsy Stench D
Deathcon - Zerohuman
n, 2003, Perverted Taste D
Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat
n, 2022, Norma Evangelium Diaboli FRA
Deathswarm - Forward into Oblivion
n, 2021, FDA Records D (yellow)
Debauchery - Contiunue to Kill
n, 2008, AFM D
Decaying - To Cross the Line
ss, 2017, FDA Records D
Decembre Noir - Forsaken Earth
n, 2016, FDA Records D (2021)
Decollation - Cursed Lands
n, 1993, Dark Symphonies USA (2014) - BLACK vinyl
Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces
n, 1996, Osmose FRA (2023)
Defecation - Killing with Kindness
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Defiled - The Highest Level
n, 2023, Season of Mist FRA
Degial - Death´s Striking Wings
n, 2012, Sepulchral Voice D
Degial - Savage Mutiny
n, 2015, Sepulchral Voice D
Dementor - Kill the Thought on Christ
n, 1997, Nasphyr CZ (2023)
Dementor - Morbid Infection
n, 1993, Nasphyr CZ (2023)
Dementor - The Church Dies
n, 1994, Nasphyr CZ (2023)
Demonical - Death Infernal
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Demonical - Servants of the Unlight
n, 2007, Agonia PL (2021)
Denet - Krev
n, 1992, Nasphyr CZ (2018)
Denial Fiend - Horror Holocaust
ss, 2011, Dry Heavy Records UK (2014)
Deranged - Struck by a Murderous Siege
n, 2016, Agonia PL
Derogatory - All Above Else
n, 2013. FDA Rec. D
Desaster - Churches Without Saints
ss, 2021, Metal Blade D
Descend to Acheron - The Transience of Flesh
ss, 2020, Petrichor NL
Desecration - The Valley of Eternal Suffering
n, 1993, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2024)