Sanguis Imperem - In Glory We March Towards Our Doom
n, 2011, Iron Bonehead D
Slaughter Command - Ride the Tornado
n, 2012, Iron Bonehead D
Obtest - Auka Seniems Dievams
n, 2001, Leda Takas LIT (2011)
The Batallion - Head Up High
n, 2010, Ledo Takas LIT
Blodsrit - The Well of Light Has Finally Dried
n, 2008, Unexploded Records SWE
Blodsrit - Hinterland
n, 2008, Unexploded Records SWE
Ancestors Blood - When the Forest Calls
ss, 2009, Eisenwald D
Gorath - Misotheism
n, 2008, Eisenwald D (LP + 7")
Pagan Rites - Embrace the Torments of Hell
m/ex, 2010, Atolinga MEX
Profanal - Black Chaos
n, 2012, Iron Tyrant ITA
Dodsferd - A Breed of Parasites
ss, 2013, Funeral Industries D
The Stone - Neke rane krvare večno
n, 2007, Miner Records SRB
Houwitser - Death but not Buried
n, 1998, Screaming Victim GER (2015) -RED VINYL
Ordo Inferus - Invictus et Aeternus
n, 2014, Doomentia CZ
Mastiphal - Parvzya
ss, 2011, Witching Hour PL
Mayan - Antagonise
ss, 2014, Nuclear Blast D
Avulsed - Altar of Disembowelment
n, 2015, Screaming Victims GRE (10" orange vinyl)
Agrath - Thy Kingdom Come
n, 2015, Funeral Industries, D
Slagmaur - Von Rov Shelter
n, 2009, Osmose FRA
Varathron - Sarmutius Pegorus
n, 1997, Floga GRE (2014)
Funeral - Funeral
n, 1996, Aphelion UK (2010)
Bone Gnawer / Bonesaw - split LP
n, 2011, Aphelion UK
Lugubrum - Albino de Congo
n, 2008, Aphelion UK (2014)
Orcrist - Fallen
n, 2011, Aphelion UK
Moloch / Krieg - split LP
n, 2014, Aphelion UK
Metastasis - The Essence That Precedes Death
n, 2016, Equinox SPA
Lago - Tyranny
n, 2014, Blood Harvest SWE
Ungod - In Numele Metalului Est-European
n, 2010, Iron Bonehead D
Typhus - Grand Molesters Of The Holy Trinity
n, 2011, Fog Of The Apocalypse D
Derogatory - All Above Else
n, 2013. FDA Rec. D
Funeral Whore - Phantasm
ss, 2016, Animate D
Glorior Belli - Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls
n, 2013, Agonia PL
Fleshpress - Acid Mouth Strangulation
ss, 2011, Svart Records FIN
Feretrum - From Far Beyond
n, 1992, Me Saco Un Ojo Records UK (2013)
Purtenance - Awaken from Slumber
ss, 2013, Xtreem SPA
Hatespawn - Abyssic Conquerors
n, 2013, Sepulchral Voice D
Veneror - Percussimus Foedus cum Morte
n, 2013, Hexencave SVK
Mortifilia - ...When I Killed the God
n, 2016, Magick Disk CZ (2019)
Sauron - Wara!
n, 2016, Witching Hour PL
Hypnos - The Blackcrow
ss, 2020, Monster Nation CZ
Maniac Butcher - Černá krev
n, 1998, Arges CZ (2020)
Descend to Acheron - The Transience of Flesh
ss, 2020, Petrichor NL
Arroganz - Primitiv
ss, 2017, FDA Records D
Doomentor - Dominus Omner
n, 2016, Goatkult D
Black Flame - Necrogenesis: Chants from the Grave
n, 2019, Dusktone ITA
Svartelder - Pyres
n, 2016, Dusktone ITA
Persefone - In Lak Ech
ss, 2018, Vici Solum SWE
Gravewürm - Ancient Storm of War
n, 2006, Hells Headbangers USA
Setherial - Ekpyrosis
ss, 2010, Funeral Industries D (2013)
Evangelist - Doominicanes
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ
Paria - Unchain the Unclean
n, 2010, Kneel Before the Master's Throne, D
Abyssal - Denouement
n, 2014, Hellthrasher prod.
Hastur - Secta Hereje
n, 1987, Putrescence Records USA (2013)
Funest - Desecrating Obscurity
n, 2016, Morbid Generation D
Come Back from the Dead - The Coffin Earths Entrails
n, 2015, BlackSeed SPA
Wolvhammer - The Monuments of Ash and Bone
ss, 2018, Blood Music FIN
Lychgate - The Contagion in Nine Steps
ss, 2018, Blood Music FIN
After Death - Retronomicon
n, 2008, Iron Pegasus D
Anael - On Wings of Mercury
n, 2005, Iron Tyrant ITA
Hell United - Aura Famage
n, 2013, Hellthrasher PL