Goatcraft - Spheres Below (black vinyl)
n, 2021, In league with satan, SK (black vinyl)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, Hexencave SK (grey vinyl)
Loud Night - Mindnumbing Pleasure
n, 2020, Ripping Storm ITA (splatter vinyl)
Blackmayne - Blackmayne
n, 1985, Eat Metal GRE (2018)
Kaledon - Carnagus: Emperor of the Darkness
n, 2017, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Muspellzheimr – Kolbitr
n, 2018, Amor Fati D
Degial - Savage Mutiny
n, 2015, Sepulchral Voice D
Wintersun - Live at Tuska 2013
ss, 2017, Nuclear Blast D (black vinyl)
Orthodox - Sentencia
ss, 2009, Alone records SPA (white vinyl)
Orthodox - Sentencia
ss, 2009, Alone records SPA (black vinyl)
Sardonis - II
n, 2012, Hammerheart NL (GOLD VINYL)
V.A.R. - Level 6
n, 2014, Pařát CZ (2016)
V.A. - The Wine of Satan vol. 2
n, 2009, Necroterror CPR
Piledriver - Stay Ugly
ss, 1986, High Roller D (2023) - mixed color vinyl
Monasterium - Monasterium
n, 2016, No Remorse GRE
Evil-Lyn - Disciple of Steel
n, 2018, No Remorse GRE
Ascalon - Reflections
n, 2016, No Remorse GRE
Cancer - Spirit in Flames
ss, 2005, Back on Black UK (2021)
Wolfram - Sál času
ss, 1995, Monster Nation CZ (2024)
Enepsigos - Wrath of Wraths
n, 2020, Osmose FRA
Železná neděle - Fernet
n, 1990, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Defecation - Killing with Kindness
ss, 2019, Metal Bastrard SPA
Stargazery - Eye on the Sky
n, 2011, Pure Steel D (2019)
Crionic - Different
n, 1993, Monster Nation CZ (2023)
Teratoma - Chaosmakers
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Rebel Souls - Dawn of Depravity
n, 2023, Violence in Veins SPA
Sonambula - Estasis Interrumpida
n, 2023, Base Records SPA
Perpetual - Memento Mori
n, 2022, Base Records SPA
Narrenwind - Mojej bolesnej snie dobra smierc
n, 2018, Pagan Records PL
Eroded - Necropath
n, 2018, FDA Records D