Asphyx - Death... The Brutal Way
n, 2009, Floga GRE (2022) - blue vinyl
Hate - Auric Gates of Veles
ss, 2019, Metal Blade D
Brothers of Metal - Prophecy of Ragnarok
ss, 2017, AFM D (clear orange)
Master - Collection of Souls
n, 1993, Hammerheart NL (2022) - SPLATTER
Morbid Saint - Swallowed by Hell
ss, 2024, High Roller D
Vio-Lence - Kill on Command
n, 2022, VIC Records NL
Roxx Gang - Mojo Gurus
n, 1998, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2023)
Bacchus - II
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA - splatter
Blut aus Nord - Disharmonium - Nahab
n, 2023, Debemur Morti FRA
Flotsam and Jetsam - Dreams of Death
ss, 2005, Back on Black UK (2022) - clear vinyl
Masters Hammer - Finished (black vinyl)
n, 1988, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - Live in Zbraslav (black vinyl)
n, 1989, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Mefisto - Megalomania / The Puzzle (gold vinyl)
ss, 1986, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Masters Hammer - The Fall of Idol (black vinyl)
n, 1990, Darkness Shall Rise D (2023)
Cales - Chants of Steel (black)
n, 2023, Edged Circle NOR