Nihilist - Blood Portraits
n, 2009, Iron Shield D
Ungod - Ungod
m/vg+, 2009, Kneel Before the Masters Throne D
Warfare - Noise Noise Noise (The Lost Demos)
n, 2015, High Roller D
Goatcraft - Olethros
n, 2016, Iron Bonehead D
Iron Command - Play it Loud
n, 2016, Diabolic Might Records D
Sudden Darkness - Fear of Reality
n, 1987, Diabolic Might D (2016)
J. T. Ripper - Depraved Echoes and Terrifying Horrors
n, 2016, Diabolic Might D
Hellhound - Metal Fire From Hell
n, 2008, Diabolic Might D (2017)
Morbid Carnage - Glory to Satan Soldiers
ss, 2019, Hunug Records HUN
Atomic - Slashing Victory
n, 1994, Hunug Records HUN (2019)
Road Warrior - Power
n, 2018, Gates of Hell ITA
Christian Mistress - To Your Death
n, 2015, Relapse
Mordor - Darkness
ss, 2018, Pagan Records PL
Shatter Messiah - Orphans of Chaos
n, 2016, Sleaszy Rider GRE
Azaghal - Helvetin yhdeksän piiriä
ss, 1999, Back on Black UK (2020)
Sintage - Paralyzing Chains
ss, 2023, High Roller D
Satanica - After Christ, the Devil Comes
n, 2007, Iron Shield D (2011)
Exciter - Death Machine
ss, 2010, Disembodied Records ARG (2013)
Inferno - Black Devotion
ss, 2009, Agonia PL
Titanic - On
n, 2022, Monster Nation
Hanker - Web of Faith
ss, 2005, Hellion D (modrý vinyl)
Hanker - Web of Faith
ss, 2005, Hellion D (bezbarvý vinyl)
Ravensthorn - The Haunted House of the Possessed
ss, 2005, Hellion D
Uncreation´s Dawn - Death´s Tyranny
n, 2006, Northern Heritage FIN
Death SS - Black Mass
n, 1989, Horror Records DK (2008)
Nunslaughter - Metal Assault on Melbeurne & Brisbane
n, 2009, Hells Headbangers USA (3 x 7")
Villains - Lifecode of Decadence
n, 2009, Nuclear War Now USA (green vinyl)
Villains - Drenched in the Poisons
n, 2007, Nuclear War Now USA
Fatal Embrace - The Empires of Inhumanity
n, 2010, Iron Shield D (black vinyl)
Abomination - Demos
n, 2012, Doomentia CZ