Circle - Tower
ss, 2007, Full Contact Records
Ungod - In Numele Metalului Est-European
n, 2010, Iron Bonehead D
Typhus - Grand Molesters Of The Holy Trinity
n, 2011, Fog Of The Apocalypse D
Atomic Roar - The Warfare Merchants
n, 2009, Crush Until Madness USA (SPLATTER VINYL)
Superchrist - Headbanger
n, 2007, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2013)
Derogatory - All Above Else
n, 2013. FDA Rec. D
Funeral Whore - Phantasm
ss, 2016, Animate D
Glorior Belli - Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls
n, 2013, Agonia PL
Fleshpress - Acid Mouth Strangulation
ss, 2011, Svart Records FIN
Feretrum - From Far Beyond
n, 1992, Me Saco Un Ojo Records UK (2013)
Hands of Orlac - Hands of Orlac
n, 2011, Horror Records DK
Purtenance - Awaken from Slumber
ss, 2013, Xtreem SPA
Hatespawn - Abyssic Conquerors
n, 2013, Sepulchral Voice D
Superchrist - South of Hell
n, 2004, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA (2012)
Superchrist - Defenders of the Filth
n, 2009, Forgotten Wisdom Productions USA
Six Degrees of Separation - Moon 2002: Nocturnal Breed
n, 2002, Pařát CZ (2017)
Veneror - Percussimus Foedus cum Morte
n, 2013, Hexencave SVK
Verdict Denied - Condamned
n, 2009, Sirens Records GRE