Graveland - Epilogue
n, 1993, Witching Hour PL (2015)
Graveland - The Fire of Awakening
n, 2017, No Colours D
Graveland - Wotan Mit Mir
n, 2008, Drakkar FRA (2023)
Gravewürm - Ancient Storm of War
n, 2006, Hells Headbangers USA
Graveyard - Into the Mausoleum
n, 2008, Antichristian Front SPA
Graveyard - One With the Dead
n, 2009, Antichristian Front SPA (2011)
Grimner - Blodshymner
ss, 2014, Despotz SWE (2018)
Grimner - Urfader
ss, 2022, Despotz SWE
Grimner - Vanadrottning
ss, 2018, Despotz SWE
Grip Inc. - Nemesis
ss, 1997, Seveninch records GRE (2023)
Grotesque Hysterectomy - Reek
n, 2008, Danza Ipnotica ITA
Guillotine - Blood Money
n, 2008, Diabolic Might D (2021)
H2SO4 - Reality Show
n, 1994, Walkiria SPA
Hacavitz - Metztli Obscura
n, 2011, Blood Harvest SWE
Haemophagus - Slaves To The Necromancer
n, 2011, Death Crush ITA
Hail Spirit Noir - Mannequins
n, 2021, Agonia PL (color in color)
Hallows Eve - Evil Never Dies
n, 2005, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2019)
Hallows Eve - The Neverending Sleep
n, 2008, Floga GRE (2016)