Throneum - Mutiny of Death
n, 2003, Pagan Records PL
Thrust - Harvest of Souls
n, 2018, Pure Steel D
Thrustor - Night of Fire
n, 1999, Emanes FRA (2009)
Thunderstick - Something Wicked This Way Comes
n, 2018, High Roller D
Thy Primordial - The Crowning Carnage
ss, 2002, Back on Black UK (2018)
Thy Primordial - The Heresy of an Age of Reason
ss, 2000, Back on Black UK (2018)
Thy Primordial - Where Only the Seasons Mark the Paths of Time
ss, 1997, Back on Black UK (2018)
Thyrfing - Vanagandr
ss, 2021, Despotz SWE
Tigertailz - Knives
n, 2013, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Timeless Hall - Timeless Hall
n, 1994, Steel Legacy GRE (2011)
TIR - Metal Shock
n, 2019, Gates of Hell ITA
Tiran - Necrophiliac Dreams
n, 2012, HeadXplode Records
Titanic - Jihlava 1987
n, 2024, Monster Nation, CZ
Titanic - Jihlava 1987 (splatter)
n, 2024, Monster Nation, CZ (žluto/černý splatter)
Titanic - On
n, 2022, Monster Nation
Tombstalker - Black Crusades
n, 2015, Hells Headbangers USA
Torchure - Beyond the Veil
n, 1992, Vic Records NL (2024)
Tormentor - Blitzkrieg demo 84
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2023)
Tormentor - End of the World
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2023)
Tormentor - Morbid Realization
n, 2017, Iron Shield D
Törr - Inkvizitörr
ss, 2022, Monster Nation CZ
Törr - Kladivo na čarodějnice
ss, 1993, Warner (2023)
Tortharry - Beneath
n, 2010, Monster Nation CZ
Tortharry - Paměť kamenů
ss, 2024, Metalgate CZ
Torture Garden - A New Religion
n, 2012, Night of the Vinyl Dead, ITA
Torture Garden - Torture Garden
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2010)
Torture Pulse - Plague Poetry
ss, 2010, Funeral Industries D
Total Fucking Destruction - Peace, Love, and Total Fucking Destruction
n, 2008, Enucleation Records USA
Tower Hill - Deathstalker
n, 2023, No Remorse GRE
Toxic Waltz - From a Distant View
ss, 2016, Violent Creek D
Toxik - In Humanity
ss, 2020, Massacre Records D (2023)
Toxikull - Under the Southern Light
n, 2024, Dying Victims D
Trail of Tears - Winds of Disdain
ss, 2024, The Circle Music GRE (red/black vinyl)
Transatlantic Rat's Atom / Bird Eye - split LP
n, 2012, Streak Records D
Transmetal - Clasicos
n, 2013, Diabolic Might D (2018)
Trastorned - Into the Void
n, 2023, Dying Victims D
Trauma / Offence - split EP
n, 2015, Deformeathing prod., PL
Traumatomy – Transcendental Evisceration Of Necrogenetic Beasts
n, 2017, Morbid Generation, D
Tremor - A Falakon Belul
ss, 2008, Hunug Records H (2021)
Tremors - Eternal Question
n, 2004, Heavy Horses D
Trial - Motherless
ss, 2017, Metal Blade D
Trigger Zone - The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
n, 1992, Lost Realm POR (2022)
Turbid North - Eyes Alive
ss, 2015, Apocalyptic Witchcraft
Twisted Tower Dire - The Secret Demos
n, 2002, Stormbringer SWE
Twisted Tower Dire – Wars In The Unknown
n, 2019, No Remorse GRE
Tygers of Pan Tang - Noises from the Cathouse
n, 2004, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2018)
Tynator - Shrieking Sounds of Deafening Terror
ss, 1987-1992, Back on Black UK (2022)
Typhus - Grand Molesters Of The Holy Trinity
n, 2011, Fog Of The Apocalypse D