Solothus - Summoned from the Void
n, 2013, Doomentia CZ (2022)
Aeon - God Ends Here
ss, 2021, Metal Blade
Fates Warning - Longday Goodnight
ss, 2020, Metal Blade
God Dethroned - Illuminati
ss, 2020, Metal Blade D
Messiah - Fatal Grotesque Symbols - Darken Universe
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Razor - Escape the Fire
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2022) splatter
Limbonic Art - Epitome of Illusions
n, 1998, Floga GRE (2023)
Borknagar - Epic
n, 2004, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - splatter
Unleashed - Warrior
n, 1997, Cosmic Key NL (2022) - black
Sinister - Legacy of Ashes
n, 2010, Cosmic Key, NL (2021) - clear
Razor - Escape the Fire
ss, 1984, High Roller D (2022) black
Lord Fist - Wilderness of Hearts
ss, 2020, High Roller D
V.A.R. - Temná
ss, 2019, Pařát CZ
DAI - The Advent
n, 1993, Nuclear War Now USA (2022)
Exciter - Kill After Kill
ss, 1992, Dissonance UK (2022)
Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat
n, 2022, Norma Evangelium Diaboli FRA
Bathory - Jubileum vol. III
ss, 1998, Black Mark SWE (2021)
Crucified Barbara - In the Red
ss, 2014, Despotz SWE
Thyrfing - Vanagandr
ss, 2021, Despotz SWE
Grimner - Urfader
ss, 2022, Despotz SWE
Grimner - Blodshymner
ss, 2014, Despotz SWE (2018)
Grimner - Vanadrottning
ss, 2018, Despotz SWE
Voivod - Infini
ss, 2009, Back on Black UK (2020)
Y & T - Endangered Species
n, 1997, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Lillian Axe - Waters Rising
n, 2007, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Lillian Axe - Deep Red Shadows
n, 2010, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Kansas - Always Never the Same
n, 1998, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Lillian Axe - Fields of Yesterday
n, 1999, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Northtale - Eternal Flame
n, 2022, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Moonspell - Everything Invaded
n, 2003, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Hardline - II
n, 2002, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Riverside - The Piece Reflecting The Mental State...
n, 2005, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Jonathan Davis and the SFA - Alone I Play
n, 2022, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Raw Power - Fight
n, 1995, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Mustasch - Mustasch
n, 2009, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Fleshgrind / Resurrected - split LP
n, 2002, Perverted Taste D
Miloš Dodo Doležal - My Little World
ss, 1991, Warner CZ (2020)
Faith and Fire - Accelerator
ss, 2006, High Roller D (2021)
Autumn Nostalgie - Ataraxia
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Arctos - Beyond the Grasp of Mortal Hands
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D
Dwarrowdelf - Of Dying Lights
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Ancient Mastery - the Chosen One
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Ancient Mastery - Chapter One: Across the Mountains of the Drämmarskol
ss, 2022, Northern Silence D
Dwarrowdelf - Evenstar
ss, 2020, Northern Silence D (2022)
Mekong Delta - Visions Fugitives
ss, 1994, Golden Core (2022)
Powerwolf - Blood of the Saints
ss, 2011, Metal Blade D (2021)
Evil Survives - Powerkiller
ss, 2010, War on Music CAN
Malevolent Creation - Dead Man's Path
n, 2015, Floga GRE (2022)
Firewind - The Premonition
n, 2008, Floga GRE (2022)
Anaal Nathrakh - Eschaton
n, 2006, Floga GRE (2022)
Ravenous Death - Visions from the Netherworld
n, 2022, Floga GRE
Heretic - Breaking Point
n, 1988, Floga GRE (2021)
God Dethroned - Passiondale
n, 2009, Floga GRE (2019)
Lethal Steel - Running from the Dawn
ss, 2020, High Roller D
Blitzkrieg - The Mists of Avalon
n, 1998, High Roller D (2018)
Železná neděle - Náměstí Beeru
n, 1991, Monster Nation CZ (2022)
Infernal Legoin - Your Prayers Mean Nothing
n, 2005, Moribund USA
Elixir - Voyage of the Eagle
ss, 2020, Back on Black UK
Elixir - The Idol
ss, 2002, Back on Black UK (2020)
Cutty Sark - Die Tonight
ss, 1984, Golden Core D (2021)
Pungent Stench - First Recordings
ss, 2018, Back on Black UK
Therion – Cover Songs 1993-2007
n, 2022, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA
Mercyful Fate - The Beginning
ss, 1987, Metal Blade (2020)
Mercyful Fate - Return of the Vampire
n, 1992, Metal Blade (2020)
Laaz Rockit - Know Your Enemy
ss, 1987, Hammerheart NL (2020)
Sacred Reich - Surf Nicaragua
ss, 1988, Metal Blade D (2021)
D.R.I. - 4 of a Kind
n, 1988, Music on Vinyl (2022) reb/black vinyl
Mirage - And the Earth Shall Crumble
n, 1985, Diabolic Might D (2022)
Nattefrost - Blood & Vomit
n, 2004, Diabolic Might D (2022)
Bliss of Flesh - Tyrant
n, 2020, Listenable FRA
Tension - Decay
n, 2022, Dying Victims D
Raptore - Blackfire
n, 2022, Dying Victims D
Suffering Sights - When Sanity Becomes Insanity
n, 2021, Dying Victims D
ADX - Étranges Visions
ss, 2021, Ultim Records FRA
Agent Steel - No Other Godt Before Me
ss, 2021, Back on Black UK
Unisonic - Unisonic (LP+CD)
ss, 2012, Ear Music D (LP+CD)
Sadist - Firescorched
n, 2022, Agonia PL
Mortifilia - The Great Inferno
n, 2022, Magick Disk Musick CZ
Gorguts - From Wisdom to Hate
n, 2001, War on Music CAN (2019)
Krabathor - Rebirth of Brutality: Live in Uherské Hradiště
ss, 2015, Monster Nation CZ (2022)
Törr - Inkvizitörr
ss, 2022, Monster Nation CZ
Titanic - On
n, 2022, Monster Nation
Blut aus Nord - 777 Cosmosophy
n, 2012, Debemur Morti FRA (2022)
Cult of Fire - Triumvirát
ss, 2012, Beyond Eyes CZ (2022)
Omen - Into the Arena
n, 2012, No Remorse GRE
Demonical - Death Infernal
n, 2011, Agonia PL (2021)
Windir - Arntor
n, 1999, Season of Mist FRA (2021)
Abbath - Abbath
n, 2016, Season of Mist FRA
Pessimist - Blood for the Gods
n, 1999, Season of Mist FRA (2021)
Pessimist - Slaughtering the Faithful
n, 2002, Season of Mist FRA (2021)
Omega Infinity - Solar Spectre
n, 2020, Seasons of Mist FRA
Abbath - Outstrider
n, 2019, Season of Mist FRA
Essence of Datum - Spellcrying Machine
n, 2019, Season of Mist
Viking - Man of Straw
ss, 1989, High Roller D (2021) color vinyl
Hardline - Leaving the End Open
n, 2009, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2022)
Night Ranger - Seven
n, 1998, Night of the Vinyl Deat ITA (2021)
Warrior - Featuring Vinnie Vincent
n, 2017, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2021)
Royal Hunt - Paper Blood
n, 2005, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (2021)
Sabbatonero - L'uomo di ferro - A Tribute to Black Sabbath
n, 2021, Night of the Vinyl Dead ITA (LP + 7")
Centinex - The Pestilence
n, 2022, Agonia PL
Cresset - Obscurantism
n, 2022, Hexencave SVK
Rosy Vista - Unbelievable
ss, 2019, Steamhammer D
Blind Guardian - Twilight Orchestra: Legacy of the Dark Lands
ss, 2019, Nuclear Blast D
Guillotine - Blood Money
n, 2008, Diabolic Might D (2021)
Dekapitator - We Will Destroy... You Will Obey!!!
n, 1999, Diabolic Might D (2020)
Prolapsed - The Condemned
n, 2019, Bizarre Leprous CZ (2021)
Prolapsed - The Condemned
n, 2019, Bizarre Leprous CZ (2021)
Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta
ss, 1987, Aaarrg D (2016)
Hate Forest - The Most Ancient Ones
n, 2002, Osmose FRA (2021) silver vinyl
Maniac Butcher - Invaze
n, 1999, Arges CZ (2022)
Necronomicon - Invictus
n, 2012, G.U.C. (2022)
Stormhunter - Stormhunter
n, 2009, G.U.C. (2017)
Nifrost - Orkja
n, 2021, Dusktone ITA
Svartghast - Perdition
n, 2020, Dusktone ITA
Svartelder - Pyres
n, 2016, Dusktone ITA
Black Flame - Necrogenesis: Chants from the Grave
n, 2019, Dusktone ITA
Doomentor - Dominus Omner
n, 2016, Goatkult D
Morbid Flesh - Rites of the Mangled
n, 2017, Unholy Prophecies D
Arroganz - Primitiv
ss, 2017, FDA Records D
Necrodeath - Black As Pitch
n, 2001, I Hate SWE (2021)
Necrodeath - Mater of All Evil
n, 2000, I Hate SWE (2021)
Abysmal Grief - Funeral Cult of Personality
n, 2021, Sun and Moon ROM
Dragon - Arcydzieło zagłady
n, 2021, Metal Mind PL
CETI - Oczy Martwych Miast
ss, 2020, Metal Mind PL
Kat - Mind Cannibals, a.d. 2016
ss, 2005, Metal Mind PL (2016)
Archgoat - Whore of Betlehem
n, 2006, Debemur Morti FRA (2021)
Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness
n, 2009, Debemur Morti FRA (2021)
Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown
n, 2018, Debemur Morti FRA (2021)
Funest - Desecrating Obscurity
n, 2016, Morbid Generation D
Christ Agony - Darkside
n, 1997, Deformeathing PL (2021)
Tenebris - Only Fearless Dreams
n, 1996, Deformeathign PL (2021)
Crepitation - The Violence Of The Slams
n, 2017, Morbid Generation, D
Traumatomy – Transcendental Evisceration Of Necrogenetic Beasts
n, 2017, Morbid Generation, D
Pathologist – Necronanism: Sexual Cadaveric Mysophilia
n, 1990, Bizarre Leprous CZ (2020)
Pathologist - Necrobituary: Medical Jurisprudence
n, 1991, Bizarre Leprous CZ (2020)
Bloodletter - Funeral Hymns
ss, 2020, Petrichor NL
Descend to Acheron - The Transience of Flesh
ss, 2020, Petrichor NL
Benighted - Complete Works (Heljarför + Avgrundshjärta)
n, 2003, Rotting Misery D (2021)
Gorgosaur – Lurking Among Corpses
n, 2017, Morbid Generation D (splatter vinyl)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (black vinyl)
n, 2021, In league with satan, SK (black vinyl)
Goatcraft - Spheres Below (grey vinyl)
n, 2021, Hexencave SK (grey vinyl)
Cult of Fire - Moksha+Nirvana
n, 2020, Beyond Eyes CZ
Blood of Kingu - Sun in the House of the Scorpion
n, 2010, Osmose FRA (2020)
Loud Night - Mindnumbing Pleasure
n, 2020, Ripping Storm ITA (splatter vinyl)
Caligula - Technical Aggression
n, 1987, Ripping Storm ITA (2020)
Schizo / Camera Obscura Two - split EP
n, 2019, Ripping Storm ITA
Barbarian - To No God Shall I Kneel
n, 2019, Hells Headbangers USA (purple vinyl)
Stench - Venture
n, 2014, Agonia PL
Demonical - Servants of the Unlight
n, 2007, Agonia PL (2021)
Archgoat - Black Mass XXX
n, 2020, Debemur Morti FRA